Chapter 10

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It turns out that the parties at the football house were famous for a reason. Even I who came against my own will and planned on leaving early, was having fun. Jihyo and Winter, two freshman joined our corner in the living room and I watched Wendy flirt heavily with Nayeon.

It wasn't so bad, either. The DJ in the other room was playing good music and there were white Christmas tree lights strung around the ceiling of the room. I had good company and had yet to see Jeongyeon and Lisa, so things were going particularly well.

"I love this song." Nayeon gushes the second a familiar song starts playing. "Jennie, come dance with me."

Before I can make an excuse as to why I couldn't go squeeze between all those people just so I can dance, Wendy perks up. "I want to dance. I'll come with you."

I can't hold my smirk back even though I should've been discouraging her behavior. But Wendy was too cute sometimes and Nayeon was clearly enjoying her company. She smiles genuinely and leans forward to grab her hand.

"Arasso, then's let's go."

As Nayeon dragged Wendy out to the dance floor, I caught sight of Jeongyeon walking into the room. Her back was towards me as she talked to a few other seniors on the team and I took the moment as an opportunity to go to the bathroom and escape the room for a few minutes. She'll probably be gone by the time I get back, anyway.

"Hey, guys." I interrupt Seulgi's conversation with Irish and Soojin. "I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be back."

Irish asks kindly. "Do you want one of us to come?"

Admittedly, I was flatterrd by her concern but I still smirked. "Do you think that anyone is going to try anything to me here?"

The false confidence in my voice was enough to sway them. Seulgi gave me a solid nod before I turned around to find my way. "There's a bathroom upstairs. Second door on the left."

I waved at her while I walked away as a thank you. Luckily, there was some truth in my assertion because people let me through as easily as they'd let Nayeon through. Apparently enough people knew who I was and didn't bother me while I walked through the living room hallway and up the stairs.

I opened the first door on the left and was quickly greeted with a prompt. "Get out!" And a girl screech.

I shut the door quickly and practically threw myself into the next room and hoped that I could rid that horrible scene from my memory. When I shut the door behind me, I promptly locked it and let out a breath.

"Jennie?" An annoyingly familiar voice asks guffly behind me and I tense. "What are you doing in here?"

I turn around slowly and see Lisa sitting in the tub. Her long legs were drawn close to her chest she looked horribly out of place. I freeze as my gaze washes over her slightly red eyes and for the first time, I noticed how tired and intoxicated she was.

"I just wanted to get a breath of fresh air." I excuse lamely.

Her eyebrows raise in amusement. "So you came into the bathroom?"

"It doesn't matter." I wave her off and take a step closer to the tub hesitantly. "Are you okay? Why are you in the bathtub?"

Lisa's eyes darken and I knew that she finally remembered our last conversation. She narrowed her eyes at me and tried to sit up in the tub.

"Why do you care?" She ask sharply. "I thought I was just a self centered athlete."

Immediately, I realized that I had been too harsh on Lisa. The reality slapped me in the face and I suddenly regretted some of the words that had escaped my mouth. Even though she pissed me off more times than not and had an entirely too big ego, she wasn't horrible. But she was... Decent. Kind of.

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