Chapter 14

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"You're not wearing that, are you?" Nayeon asks me in disapproval, scanning my outfit once more before she purses her lips.

I shrug. "Why not?" I ask. "I'm friends with all the girls on the team. Whoever it is, I'm sure I don't need to dress to impress them.

"But what if it's Lisa?" She presses.

"What if it is?" I ask sarcastically, rolling my eyes. "I certainly don't need to impress her." I spit, although I can't help but notice the shift in my stomach after she says her name and suddenly all I can think about is our fight in my bedroom, when I kick her out.

"Anyway, she's not going to come. I promise you that."

Nayeon sighs looks at me. "Well, don't you want to dress to impress yourself?"

I give her a blank stare and ask. "What are you going on about, Nayeon?"

"You know." She says with a tiny smile, shimmying up to me. "Look good to feel good. It's like, my motto."

I turn so that I can see myself in our shared mirror and see the way that my sweetshirt makes me look fifteen pounds heavier than I actually am. How the sweatpants di absolutely nothing to accentuate my figure. After a moment, I huff in annoyance to myself, mostly because I realize that Nayeon had got me.

"I'll put on some Jeans." I mumble to myself and I can see her smirk out of the corner of my eye as I turn toward my closet.

In the end, I was wearing a long sleeve white v neck and a pair of ripped jeans with. And of course my favorite pair of Converse. Nayeon was much more dressed up than me in a sundress with a nice jacket that was the same length as the dress and a pair light gray booties.

When I catch her giving herself a look over in the mirror, I smirk. "Getting nervous for your date?"

She catches my eye in the reflection and smiles, but it isn't her usually confident smile, the one that always wears before a date. I realize maybe she was a bit nervous and my joke became reality as I watched her shift on her feet. "A little, actually."

I stared at her in surprise for a moment. Nayeon was one of the most confident girls I've ever known who had dating down to aa science and never felt nervous before seeing a boy or a girl.

"Wendy is just so..." She trails off as her gaze shifts. "Different."

"In a good way." I wonder curiously.

Still with a faraway look in her eyes, Nayeon smiles a little. "Yes." She turns to me and the smile brightens a bit. "A very good way."

I smile to myself giddily, for the first time actually approving the idea of Wendy and Nayeon together. Previously, I wanted Nayeon to avoid Wendy at all cost, because I knew how she was with girls and I didn't want her to ruin Wendy. But now, with my best friend as a little bundle or nerves, I was excited. Maybe Wendy was the one to ruin her ways.

Before I continue to pry for information about her little crush, Nayeon seems sna out of her thoughts and straighten up. She glances at the clock on her phone and looks back at me.

"It's time to go." She declares.

I check the time too and see that we were supposed to bee there five minutes ago. Quickly, I gather my purse and sigh. "We're late."

"That's where you're wrong." Nayeon says with a crooked grin. "We're fashionably late, which means we're right on time."

I roll my eyes at her logic and follow her out the door. We ere meeting the girls at a cute diner on the edge of campus, which would mean another fifteen minute walk if Nayeon hadn't offered to drive.

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