Chapter 15

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Lisa and I stayed at the diner for another hour and half after Nayeon and Wendy had left just talking. It was strangely nice and almost therapautic to talk to her shen she wasn't being complete asshole. It was the side of her that I had only caught glimpses of before and I was unsure what exactly triggered her to suddenly be so thoughtful and caring.

Before we left, I excused myself to the restroom. Mostly because my heart was beating too fast by the way she had been looking at me for an hour. I didn't understand why and I didn't want to find out, so I decided to get a breath of air and splash some cold water on my cheeks to keep them from warming up inexplicably.

When I came back out. I still had a stupid half smile on my face, regardless of how much I tried to get rid of it. As I walked back towards the table. I saw the flirtatious waitress at our table, bendin down as she spoke to Lisa with a coy smile on her lips and a hand on Lisa's shoulder. She said something to make the girl laugh and I slowed my pace as I watched the girl pull out a piece of paper from her pocket and set it on the table in front of Lisa.

The smile was long gone by the time I reached the table and my eyes flashed to her number written with a heart on the piece of paper, and then to her as she laughed at something else Lisa must've said. When she saw me approach, she stood up straighter and gave me a 'once over', almost to check out the competition.

Lisa turned to catch my eye and smiled brightly at me, but I couldn't muster the sane type of reaction. For some reason, the pit of my stomach ached and I suddenly just wanted to be home. "You ready?"

I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear almost shyly and nod, watching as the waitress moves over to let Lisa get out of the booth. She smiles brightly at Lisa as we leave and I notice the piece of paper sitting in her hands, but don't comment on it. When we get outside, she chuckles under her breath, crumbles the piece of paper and tosses it into the trash can by the door.

I wasn't able to help myself from asking. "What, you weren't into her?"

Ibwant to cringe when I hear how nosey I sounded, but Lisa sidn't seem to either notice or mind. She just shrugs. "She was trying too hard."

The simple excuse made me nod and for some reason, my nerves began to dade away. As the gravel crunches under my feet, I scan the parking lot and suddenly realize that Nayeon, my ride, had left.

"Come on." Lisa nudges my shoulder and nods her head. "My car is this way."

Because there was no way in hell I was going to pass up a free ride, I follow her obediently to her car. I notice immediately the immaculatr black finish on her jeep. It was a newer Wrangler, one that I could only dream about one day driving and it had Lisa's name all over it. She unlocks the car and I slide into the passenger seat, surprised by how clean it was on the inside.

"What?" She asks upon observing my impressed expression. "Did you expect me to br a slob just because I play football?"

I glance at her with a half smirk and say innocently, "No. I expected you to be a slob because you're a gay."

Lisa rolls her eyes at me as the car turns over and The Beatles float through the speakers. Again, I'm impressed and can't hel but ask her.

"You listen to the Beatles?"

She checks her mirrors and starts to reverse out of her parking spot, but has enough time to spare me a false chastising look. "You've got to stop assuming things about me, Kim. You've got me pegged all wrong."

Apparently, I do. I immediately think. But I'd never admit that to her.

"So be honest with me here." Lisa says gruffly as she pulls onto the street. "Do you think Wendy has a chance with your friend?"

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