Chapter 2

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As the assistant trainer, I was required to attend all of the football practices. There were multiple trainers, each designated to watch over a soecific sport including every practice, scrimmage and game. Luckily for me, I was placed with Irene and the football team at the start of the season my freshman year.

I've always loved football. I suppose I was bred into my love for the sport, seeing as my father used to be the head coach for my high schools team back in New Zealand. I was raised with a strong head on my shoulders and the belief that beer and football are all a person needs in life. You can thank my dad for that.

"Damn it, Wendy catch the damn ball! Lee is throwing a perfect pass!" Coach Yang shouts across the field.

I look up and see Wendy jogging over to the ball that she failed to catch. Her head hanging low. My gaze gazes the rest of the field watching the other players as they went about their drills. My eyes land on the fifty yard line st exact time that Lisa launches the ball down the field in a flawless pass, thirty five yards closer to the end zone.

Jeongyeon catches Lisa's pass and let out a holler of victory as she runs it into the end zone. I glance back at Lisa and see her smirking, an air of confidence surrounding her as she standa at the fifty yard line. I want to roll my eyes at her or shake my head but I don't want to waste my energy. They like Lisa were better off being ignored than indulged in.

"Good pass, Manoban." Coach praises reluctantly.

I smirk. Coach understood how large Lisa's ego was just as well as I and she was reluctant to admit when Lisa did something great. To be fair, Lisa bothers Coach with more issues than just her ego. Her poor grades, reputation and manners kept her from playing in games sometimes and more times than not, result in a loss for the team.

I look back down at the notes I was reviewing for my biology class, trying to memorize the cells and their specific functions. Unfortunately for me, I wasa failing. Miserably. As a student studying physical theraphy, you would think that I was good at all things, science. Especially when it had direct correlation with body parts. Well, you'd be wrong.

The shrill sound of a whistle distracts me further from my studying or lack thereof. I hear Coach Yang shouted. "Alright girls, that's it for today. Hit the showers!"

A defeated sigh left my lips. At the start of practice, I vowed that I would know everything I needed to know about the cells by the end and I had only managed to memorize a quarter of what I was supposed to. I begin to pack up my notes and throw them into my bag then sling my bag around my shoulders, ready to leave.

"Jen wait!" I hear Wendy call.

I turn towards the field and see the football players trudging off, slumped and exhausted. Probably they're dying in their thick football pads underneath the hot sun. Wendy jogs to the sidelines holding her helmet in her hand and uses her free hand to rake through her sweaty mop of hair.

"What's up?" I greet. My eyes scanning her body for any injuries. "Did you pull something?"

Wendy cracks a grin and shake her head.

"Nope, nothing like that. I wanted to know if you were going to come out tonight."

My gaze snaps back up to her and I shake my head. "No, I wasn't planning on it."

"But FC Namdong is throwing their kickass Hawaiian party." Wendy whines as if she's trying to convince her parents to let her go. "Come on, Jen. Have some fun for once."

I hear a scoff and don't even have to glance up to see who it is before I hear Lisa's obnoxious voice.

"Do you know who you're talking to?" I turn to glare at her but she ignores me and raises her eyebrows at Wendy. "That chick wouldn't know fun if it hit her in the face."

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