Confessions and Introductions

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You have been dating Alan for several months now, however you hadn’t told any of your family yet.  You wanted to tell them before Christmas and ask Alan to join your family for Christmas dinner this year but his mother was sick so he decided to travel back to London to be with his family.  You agreed that you would tell your family during Christmas dinner about him.  He was a few years older than you, you being 23 and him being 32. 

You were in your last year of college which is how you had met Alan. You were part of the drama department; it wasn’t your major you just took the class because everyone kept telling you college should be about getting out of your comfort zone. However, you had what you said at the time was bad luck.  All the drama students were going on a trip to London to the Royal Academy of Arts to watch a show and take a couple classes.  Now you know it was good luck because that’s where you met Alan. He was taking part in one of the plays and you just found him so attractive. The trip was a week long and every time you had free time you somehow found yourself with Alan, you walked around RADA together, had lunch together and most times you snuck him into your hotel room where he spent the night. After the trip was over, he told you that he had a house near where you lived in New York and that he spent most of his time there rather than in London. He explained that the only reason he was currently in London was because he had agreed to do this show before he moved and decided he liked the show so much that wanted to come back to London to do it. When it was time for you to leave and go back to New York you were upset, so was Alan. 

“I’ll be back in New York in a month, I promise to stay in touch.  We can facetime at night so I can listen to you snore.” He smirked, as you hit his arm playfully.

“I don’t snore.”  You pouted.  

“Sure, you don’t.”  He chuckled. You stopped at security when you both knew he couldn’t go any farther. “I’ll see you soon.”

“I’ll miss you. Bye baby.”  You set down your bag and wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him to your lips.

“Bye darling.”  He whispered.

It was now December, a little over three months later.  It was Christmas day. A light coating of snow was seen on the ground since it had been snowing on and off all day.  You and your family, which consisted of your mom, dad, brother, aunt and two cousins, were just sitting down for dinner.  Everyone was talking comfortably when you spoke up.

“So, I have some news.”  You spoke loud enough for everyone to hear.  Everyone turned to you.  “So, I met someone a couple months ago in London when I was away on that trip with the drama club.  His name is Alan and we’ve been dating for over three months.”  You confessed 

“What?  And you didn’t think to say anything until now?”  Your father asked.

“Well, I wanted to tell you when I could get you all in one place.  I was going to tell you last week so he could come tonight and meet everyone, but his mother is ill so he decided to spend the holidays in London with his family.  He’s a really nice man, he treats me in a way that I thought could only happen in movies.” 

“Well tell us about him, what does he look like, how old is he, what’s he like, what’s he do for a living?” Your aunt chimed in before your father could argue.  You were the youngest and the only girl so he wasn’t too happy about his little girl growing up and finding a man.

“He used to own his own graphic arts design studio but he gave that up when he decided to pursue acting.  He went to RADA, the school I visited, graduated from there a year ago but they had cast him for the play I went to see before he graduated because they knew he was the perfect fit for the character and they were right, he was amazing.  He’s a little over six feet tall, hazel eyes, sandy brown hair, and facial hair.  Slim but built perfectly.”  You said in a daydream like fashion, as if you were describing the man of your dreams.  

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