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It's been a long time guys. I really wanna start writing for this book again, anyone have any ideas? Write them in the comments


You hadn't been feeling well for the last week. You had been constantly nauseous, even thrown up a few times. You weren't sure what it could be until you were telling your sister about your symptoms. And she immediately told you to take a pregnancy test. You scoffed and brushed her off. There was no way you could be pregnant, you and Alan were very careful at all times. You had been taking birth control, given you had stopped about a month and a half ago because your gynecologist told you that being on it for too long without a break can be harmful to your body. You told Alan and he immediately went out and bought a box of condoms. It wasn't like you weren't careful on both ends.

Besides you and Alan knew with the age difference it would be near impossible to have children anyway. You were 35 and he was almost 60, neither of you thought his swimmers worked that well. But just to prove your sister wrong you went to the corner store and bought a three pack of pregnancy tests.

You went to the bathroom that night and took one, but when it came back positive you took the other two. There was no way it had to be a false positive. Until the next two came back as positive as well. Then you had no choice but to believe it, you were pregnant. You panicked and hid the test until you knew how you were gonna tell Alan the news. Normally it would be an easy and fun task, filled with excitement. But you and Alan had never talked about having children. You both sort of silently agreed that due to the age difference children were just out of the question. You both knew it wasn't a reality for you and so you never had a serious discussion about it.

You wanted to tell him, you wanted to call him right then and tell him the news but not only did you not know how he would react he was also hundreds of miles away in America filming a movie. How could you tell him news like this over the phone? Especially when you didn't know how he was going to react.

You couldn't imagine him being angry at the news. Alan was a very gentle loving man and you'd be lying if you said the idea of having a baby with him never crossed your mind. You knew just by watching him with other children that he wanted some one day. You also knew that he gave up on that dream because he never had the opportunity before being with you. But Alan was a very realistic man which is why he never brought up the idea of having children, but you saw the longing in his eyes everytime his niece or nephews came to visit. Or if he was working with child actors he had a very nurturing nature about him. However, he was 58 years old and that might bother him. That fact that by the time our baby could drive he'd be well into his 70's.

You hid the test in your nightstand. Alan was set to come home from America in the morning. You sat on the couch for almost the whole evening thinking about how you were going to tell him. Should you make a celebration of it? Should you mention is casually in conversation so he doesn't feel obligated to keep it. Will he want to keep it? These were all questions that plagued your mind all day and all night.

Soon you found yourself in your bedroom. You started thinking about all the good things that could come from having this baby. The Christmas' and all the holidays in general. Seeing your baby boy or baby girl cuddled up to her fathers side when they're scared. Having a little human being to keep you company when Alan was away for weeks at a time

Unknowingly you rubbed your belly. You couldn't get over the fact that you had a life growing inside you. A life that was made and given to you from the man you love. You wanted the baby. As the night went on all you could do was sit there and daydream about your baby and when you weren't daydreaming you were worrying about what Alan was going to say about the baby.

Eventually you drifted off as you lay on your side with Alan's pillow against your chest. That's how you slept most nights when Alan was away. His cologne was basically embedded into the pillow. It was your source of comfort whenever he was away.

You weren't sure when you fell asleep or for how long you slept. You flinched upwards when you heard your phone ringing. Rubbing your eyes you looked at the clock and saw it read 6:42am. Sighing you picked up the phone without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" You yawned.

"Hello, darling. I apologize. I know I must have woken you up, it is early. However my plane just landed so I'll be home in less than 20 minutes."

"That's wonderful honey, I'll go unlock the door. I'm sure you're feeling jet lagged so why don't you come inside, put on some comfy clothes and we can take a nap."

"No, no I got my keys you just relax. I just wanted to call and let you know I'll be home earlier than expected so I didn't startle you. Besides I want to shower first then we can get cozy in bed. After the week I had I wouldn't mind spending some time relaxing in our bedroom. Keep the bed warm for me darling, I'll be home soon, I love you."

"I love you too."

After he hung up you rolled over and went back to sleep. You were excited for him to come home but you were exhausted and needed to get some sleep. Especially since your mind kept you up all night due to it running a mile a minute.

You heard the front door open then the sound of Alan's dress shoes hitting the tile floor leading to your bedroom. The door opened and closed and you heard him chuckle at the sight of you. Laying in bed snuggled up with his pillow.

"Good morning darling." He whispered, kissing the top of your head.

"Mm, morning."

"I'm gonna go take a shower then we can have a lazy day. Just cuddle up in bed with some wine and whatever else you'd like." He kissed the top of your head once again then walked in the direction of the bathroom. You watched him close the bathroom door and laid in bed waiting for him to return. The water kicked on and you heard grabbing a few things. When the door to the bathroom reopened not even 5 minutes later. You didn't pay any attention, you figured Alan must have forgotten his pajamas. But when you noticed the little plastic stick in his hand you froze.

"What, is this?" Alan held up the pregnancy test.

"I can explain." You sat up further.

"Don't. Don't explain, just tell me what this is." Alan held his finger up to you which made you even more nervous.

"I don't know what you want me to say?"

"Is this yours and if so how long have you known?" He exhaled deeply through his nose.

"Yes, it's mine. I found out last night... I'm pregnant, and based on your reaction so far I don't think you're very happy." You watched as his eyes softened.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it look like I was angry about this, I'm not. I'm just... Not sure how I'm feeling." He confessed.

"I love you, I know we never talked about this, we never talked about having children. I think we both sort of understood it wasn't going to be in the cards for us and just accepted it. But this baby is... More important than I even thought a baby would be to me. It's part of you, part of the man that I love. And just thinking that we could raise this little life together and that I could have someone here with me even when you're away means everything to me. If you don't want to keep it."

"No, no I want to keep it. I just, I was scared perhaps you wouldn't want to. I agree we never talked about having a baby. Which led me to believe that you had no desire to have a child. I want this baby and I was terrified you would tell me that you wanted to abort it. I would support you no matter what you chose because it is your choice but I'd be lying if I said that it wouldn't break my heart since children are something I've always wanted but never had a chance to have." He sat on the bed, taking both your hands in his.

"I want to keep the baby. As crazy as it sounds, I already love our baby and I only found out about them yesterday. I can't wait to be a mother and to see you get to live your dream of being a father." You kissed him and he rested his hand on your belly, excited to meet his child one day.

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