New Neighbor

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"Seriously. I can hear that all the way over here!” Alan huffed as he walked through the hall of his apartment to his neighbors. He could hear their T.v playing through the walls of his apartment and he was in the middle of working on a script and he couldn’t annotate with such an obnoxious distraction.  When he got to the door he knocked rather harshly to make sure they heard it over the T.v.  He waited a couple minutes before the door opened.

“Hello.”  You answered. He was shocked he didn’t know he had a new neighbor. He thought it was the same young man that had been living there for God knows how long but instead it was a young and very beautiful woman.

“Hi. Uh, my name is Alan. I live next door. I was just wondering if you could turn your T.v down. I’m currently working on something and it’s rather distracting.”  

“Oh, I’m so sorry Alan. Honestly I would love to turn the T.v down. That's actually what I’m trying to figure out.”  He raised an eyebrow at you. “I know it sounds like I’m an idiot… My brother was staying here last week and he brought this sound bar thing to magnify the sound and I somehow managed to turn it all the way up without knowing and I have no idea how to turn it down so everytime I turn the T.V on it’s so loud.”  You anxiously explained.

“Oh, well would you like me to come inside and take a look?” Alan offered. He felt bad, he thought he came off as rather rude and you weren’t intentionally being obnoxious. 

“That would be lovely but I think I’ve inconvenienced you enough for one day.”  You sighed, feeling bad for being the reason his work was suffering.

“It’s no trouble.”  He insisted. You smiled at him and opened the door more allowing him to come inside. 

“I tried the T.v remote but it doesn’t do anything. It says the volume is all the way down but obviously it’s not. I looked at the little sound bar itself but there isn’t a single button on it, unless I’m blind. I tried to call my brother but he’s away and is almost impossible to get a hold of.” You explained.  Alan looked at the remote and the sound bar as you explained everything to him.  After a moment of thought his eyes caught something.  

“I think this is the answer to all your problems.” He grabbed another remote off the table behind the couch. “This is the remote to the sound bar.”  He told you. There was an off, on and up and down volume button.  He hit the volume down button and you saw the volume icon on the T.v start to go down.  

“Thank you Alan. I would have never known what that remote was for. I’m not very good when it comes to technology to be honest.”  You sighed in relief. 

“Well I think it’s good for people to not be reliant on technology. I certainly am not a genius when it comes to new technology.” 

“Thank you for helping with this and I’m sorry for distracting you from work.” You apologized.  

“It’s quite alright.”  

“Can I walk you back?” You offered.

“That would be nice.”  

You both left and you walked him the short way from your apartment back to his. You talked a little on the way.

“So how long have you lived here?”  Alan asked once outside his apartment. 

“Two months almost.”

“Really that long? I’m surprised I haven’t seen you.”  

“Yeah, the last place I lived people weren’t very friendly so when I moved here I didn’t want to go around and knock on everyone's doors just to tell them I moved in. I’m typically very quiet and keep to myself.” You admitted.

Alan Rickman HimselfWhere stories live. Discover now