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You ran home after leaving the jewelry store. Once through the front door you excitedly went to talk to your roommate and best friend Alan.  Entering his room you jumped on his bed.

“Alan, guess what I saw!”  You yelled, jumping up and down on his bed.

“What, what did you see?” He chuckles seeing how excited you are.  

“I was at the jewelry store getting my necklace cleaned and I saw Calvin there looking at engagement rings. I think he’s going to ask me to marry him!”  You squealed. Calvin has been your boyfriend for almost a year, your anniversary is tomorrow.  Now you were positive that during your date tomorrow he would propose to you.  Alan's heart sank, not only did he not like Calvin, but he was also deeply in love with you.  If you married Calvin then not only would any chance he had to be with you be gone, but it would also mean that you’d be moving out of the apartment you shared.  

“T-that’s great. I’m happy for you.”  He lied.  “There’s some wine in the ice box we could have to celebrate.”  

“That would be amazing. I am so excited. I had been alone for so long before I met Cal. I never seemed to be able to find someone who loved me back, I loved and loved but the people I wanted just never wanted me back. Now I feel like I can finally start moving forward after being stuck in the same spot for over a decade.”  You told him as you both made your way to the kitchen.  

“Well I’m glad you're happy.”  Alan gave you a forced smile as he poured you both a glass of wine.  



Later that night you and Alan ordered some chinese food and watched a scary movie.  You were leaning against Alan’s side like you normally did when you watched scary movies. 

“Hey Al, when will Die Hard come out?”  You asked. Alan finished filming his first movie a month or so ago and you couldn’t wait to see your best friend on screen.

“It comes out on Christmas day.”  He answered, tossing a piece of popcorn at your nose.  You swatted his arm.  

“Well when it comes out we're going to see it together.  I can’t wait to see it, I’m sure you did amazing.”  You said, nudging his arm.

“We’ll definitely see it together, I gotta take my number one girl.”  He smiled at you.  

After the movie you both went to bed but you were too excited to sleep. You’ve been waiting for a big step like this to happen in your life for so long and now it finally was.  You’d get married, have a couple children, watch them grow, have grandchildren, get old and then die.  You could finally catch up to all the people around you who were already married and having kids. You were up most the night just thinking about it.

Alan was also awake thinking about you and the situation you were in.  He loved you, God did he love you, but he never said anything because he was worried that you didn’t feel the same way.  He didn’t want to risk losing your friendship if you didn’t see him the same way, so he kept his feelings to himself thinking that would be the best thing for you both.  He never liked Calvin, he always thought he was arrogant and smug.  He just didn’t feel like Calvin was the right person for you. You were so innocent, sweet, loving, and kind, but Calvin was just an asshole. Arrogant, self entitled and narcissistic asshole. Alan would give anything to be with you, but now it just seemed impossible.

The next night you got ready for your date, you were planning on meeting him at a pretty fancy restaurant in town. You wore a dark blue dress that was a little longer than knee length.  You had done your makeup nicely and gotten out your best pair of black heels to wear.  Everything had to be perfect and you did your best to make sure it was.  

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