You're Sick

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I'm sorry for all the trauma I'm about to open up.

“Ah, shit!”  Alan yelled from your bedroom.  He had been experiencing stomach aches frequently and it started to worry you.  

“Alan, are you okay my love?”  You called from the bathroom.

“Yes I’m fine it's just this damn stomach bug.”  He complains, attempting to get out of bed.

“Darling if you're sick you should stay in bed, what you need is to take a break from filming and get some rest.” You tried to reason with him, pushing him back against the mattress.  

“Y/N, you know filming for my new movie resumes today, I have to go.”  

“No you have to get better, now call whoever you have to call and tell them you're taking a sick day.”  You commanded.  

“Alright, alright.”  He conceded, taking his phone off the charger.  You went downstairs and got him some hot tea.  You were worried about him but Alan being Alan was too stubborn to go to the doctor. Yes getting sick was normal but this had been going on for a couple weeks now and it was worrying you.  After making him a cup of hot earl grey tea and cooking him up a couple scrambled eggs you went upstairs and took it to him.  

“Here you are darling, a couple eggs and some tea.  I’m going to do the laundry then I’ll join you.  Eat and rest okay?”  He set the plate down on the nightstand and kissed his cheek.

“Okay sweetheart, I’ll see you in a little bit.”  You went back downstairs, put the laundry in the washing machine, finished the last dishes in the sink, then put the clothes in the dryer.  After folding the rest of the clothes you went to check on him before starting dinner. He was sleeping peacefully in bed cuddled up with your pillow. Your sweet man hates sleeping alone just as much as you do. A few hours later dinner was ready and you brought a plate upstairs for Alan.   

“Alan darling, I made dinner. Beef stir fry, now try to eat all of that.  You hardly touched your breakfast.”  You set up a tray in front of him and put the plate in front of him.  He looks at it with disinterest which is strange for Alan, he’s always been a pretty good eater and stir fry was one of his favorites.  “What’s wrong Alan?”  

“I’m just not hungry, love.” Another wave of stomach pains hit him and he doubled over in pain. 

“Okay that's enough, you're going to the doctor in the morning.” You declared setting his water down on the nightstand. Looking at him now you realized the state he was in.  Pale, thin, many liver spots covered his face.  He looked less and less like your husband everyday and it was worrying you.  

“I don’t need.”

“Alan! For God sakes take this seriously!  You are 69 years old, you cannot screw around with this.  You're losing weight, you don’t have an appetite, you're having stomach pains, and look at all those liver spots on your face.  I never noticed all those before, one or two maybe but not this many.  You need to go to the doctor, please!”  You begged.

“Alright, if it will make you feel better than I’ll go in the morning okay?”  Alan conceded.

“Thank you. Now can you try to eat at least a little bit?”  You spooned some stir fry and held it to his lips. He ate some but quickly got full telling you he couldn’t eat anymore. 

You took the tray and went downstairs to clean up the kitchen before going back to your bedroom and changing into your pajamas for bed. When you entered you and Alan’s shared bedroom you saw him under the covers with the T.v on low.  Getting into bed with him you laid your head on his naked chest, pulling the light grey duvet over you both.   Alan wrapped you in his arms, he knew how much of an ordeal this was for you which is the only reason he’s agreed to go to the doctor. You loved him so much, and being so much younger than him meant you frequently worried over his health because the thought of losing him was just too difficult for you to think about. He held you close, placing a kiss on the side of your head.  

Alan Rickman HimselfWhere stories live. Discover now