First Day

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The first day of preschool, every parent's nightmare.  Your 4 year old daughter Oakley had her backpack on and was all dressed and ready for school.  The only issue is Oakley didn’t want anything to do with it.  You and Alan had started out the day fighting with Oakley to get up, then to brush her teeth, then trying to brush her hair was a nightmare.  Your 64 year old husband who has always insisted on being punctual wasn’t having it. Alan was getting impatient with Oakleys behavior.  He had a few weeks at best before filming on his upcoming movie started and he wanted Oakley to be peacefully installed in preschool by the time filming began but your daughter just wasn’t being cooperative. At this point she was going to be late for her first day of preschool much to Alan's dismay.  

“Oakley, that's enough messing around, we’re going to be late!”  He yelled at the toddler running around the living room. She stopped and stared at her father.  She normally had Alan wrapped around her little finger, he hardly ever raised his voice to his little girl but Alan was also a man who demanded respect and right now Oakley was not being respectful of either of you.  

“Don’t wanna go daddy. Wanna stay home with you and mumma.”  She said with those puppy dog eyes. 

“You have to go my sweet. It's what kids your age do, you’ll meet some nice people and make lots of friends.  I’m sure you’ll love it, you just have to give it a chance.”  Alan got down on his knee in front of his little girl.  

“Pease don’t send me away daddy, I know I been bad but I’ll be good now I pwomise.”  She pleaded with tears in her eyes.  Your husband looked up at you.  You kneeled beside him.  

“Honey we're not sending you away because you're bad, yes you have been a bit of a handful today but we love you.  Kids your age have to go to school to learn and make friends, you're going to have so much fun.”  You explained to your little mini me.  

“Am I going to be smart like daddy?”  She asked, looking up at her father.  64 years of wisdom against your 32 years of wisdom of course she’s going to want to be smart like daddy.  

“Well my sweet if you go to school and pay attention and do well in your classes you may grow up to be even smarter than daddy.”  Alan encouraged.

“No, no ones smarter than you daddy.” She exclaimed, waving her little finger at him.

“I don’t know darling, your mumma’s pretty smart.  Sometimes she’s even smarter than me.”  He whispers the last part in her ear making her gasp.

“Weally?”  She asks.

“Yes really.”  Alan smiles at his daughter. “Now are you going to be a good little girl and get in the car so we can take you to school?”  

“You gonna come back for me aren’t you?”  She asked kicking her foot back and forth, a habit she got from you.

“Oh my darling of course me and daddy are going to come back for you.  You’re going to school for a few hours then me and daddy are going to come get you and guess what?”  You took her little hands in yours.

“What mumma?”  She asked with very hopeful eyes.  

“If you behave the rest of the day and are the good girl we know you are while you're at school then we’ll take you to get ice cream tonight after dinner.  Would you like that baby?”  

“Yes! Yes mumma I love ice cweam!”  She yells excitedly.  

“Okay then let's get going before we're late.”  Alan said picking her up and carrying her to the car. 

Alan Rickman HimselfWhere stories live. Discover now