Darling I'm Busy🍋

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Damn I haven't updated this book in a hot minute. I'm gonna try to update this one more often bc it was neglected. Anyway enjoy.


Your husband Alan had been working on the new Harry Potter script in his office for what seemed like weeks on end.  He only came out to shower, sleep and use the restroom, you regularly brought him food and water and stood there like a nagging mother until he ate it. He was so immersed in getting this script annotated it was driving you crazy. He’s had it for weeks and ever since it first hit the palm of his hand he was hooked.  You understood Alan was passionate about his work but he wasn’t taking care of himself and he wasn’t giving you any attention either. Normally that sort of thing didn’t bother you but today you had started your period and you were feeling much more needy than usual. Plus this past week you had become increasingly needy since you were due to start your period. 

You cooked him dinner that night and told him to leave his office on the second floor and come eat it. After a few threats of him sleeping on the couch for a week he did concede and joined you in the dining room. He looked exhausted, he needed a full night of sleep and you were going to make sure he got it tonight. 

“See, this is nice. I can’t remember the last time we sat together for a meal, you’ve been so focused on that damn script.” You commented, cutting into your chicken. 

“It is nice to get out of that office at least for an hour or so.”  He agreed. “But after dinner I’ll have to get back in there and finish my note taking. If I leave it for too long I’ll forget where I was.” 

“That’s fine, but you are coming to bed early tonight. No later than 11:00. You look exhausted, you need a good night's rest where you haven’t been sitting up all night staring at those papers.” You insisted. “And tomorrow you’re taking a day off, so get to a good stopping point tonight. We need some quality time together, we’ve hardly seen each other since you got the new script. I miss you.”  

“I miss you too darling. I’ll find a good spot to put the pen down tonight and we can have a lazy day tomorrow. Morning cuddles, nice quiet breakfast, put on the telly in the afternoon then go out to dinner. Perhaps after we can come home and watch a movie in the bedroom. We have that Tv in there but hardly use it.” 

“I would absolutely love that. I’ve missed spending time with you these past weeks. But it’s the little things I’ve missed like the morning cuddles and the little kisses, cooking together.”  You spoke daydreamily.  

“I miss that too. After I finish this script we will get back to that I promise. Tomorrow I am all yours. Just us, me and my girl.” He reached across the table and kissed your hand.  You smiled at each other and finished your dinner. You cleaned up the dishes and Alan cleaned off the table bringing the rest of the dishes over to the sink. Once he brought over the last dish he wrapped his arms around you from behind and kissed your cheek. 

“Mm, behave Mr Rickman.”  You giggled when he gripped your sides in a way that tickled you.  

“Well you’re no fun.” He chuckled.  You turned in his arms, standing on your tippy toes and kissed his lips passionately.  Your tongues intertwined in his mouth, his hand gripped your hips as you took a step back into the sink pulling him flush against you so your chests were touching.  He moaned into your mouth before pulling away. 

“Now look who's being naughty.”  He mused, licking his lips.

“Mmm, just making up for lost time… Go finish your work and once you get to a good stopping point come to bed. But it has to be before 11:00, you need sleep.”  You held onto his shirt and looked at him with a serious face. 

Alan Rickman HimselfWhere stories live. Discover now