Mrs. Rickman

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“Alright, our flight leaves in about 3 hours so we better get to the airport.”  Alan put his last shoe on and turned to you.  You were fully dressed laying in bed face down.  It was too early to be up, let alone deal with the airport and airport security. He smiled at you, he knows you’re not a morning person.  He moved beside you and nuzzled into your back.  

“It’s too early, baby.”  You mumbled into the pillow.  

“I know darling but we need to go if we're going to make our flight.”   He kissed the back of your neck. 

“You better be making up for all the cuddles that were missing out on Mr Rickman.” You grumbled sitting up and starting to put your shoes on.  He sits behind you with his arms wrapped around you.  

“I promise we'll cuddle the whole flight.  Once we get home I’m sure mama will tell us to go and take a nap, sleep off the jet lag.”  Alan replied, kissing your cheek and getting out of bed.  Once you finished putting your shoes on you and Alan grabbed your things and put them in the car.  The drive to the airport was less than half an hour so there was one thing to be happy about.  Once Alan pulled out of your driveway you grabbed his hand and pulled it close to you so you could hold his hand while you slept.  

He knew you’d fall asleep the second he pulled off, that’s just how you were.  He smiled as you slept, he was excited for you to meet his mother.  You’ve been together for over a year but due to both of your busy work schedules Alan’s never gotten the chance to take you to London to meet her in person.  Of course you’ve called and facetimed her many times with Alan but you have never officially met her.  Now you had a whole week and a half to spend getting to know his mother and exploring where he grew up.  Despite your sleepy demeanor you were excited.  

Not too long later Alan pulled into the airport parking lot.  He parked the car, pulling your intertwined fingers to his lips.  He placed kiss after kiss to your knuckles until you began to stir.  It didn’t matter how much of a rush you were in, he would always be gentle when waking you up. You woke up with a weak smile.

“Hi.”  You choked out.  

“Hello my darling, my sweet, my love.  It’s time to go inside.”  He reached across with his other hand and brushed some hair out of your face.  

“Okay.” You yawned, getting out of the car and walking into the airport.  One hand intertwined with Alan's, the other hand carrying your suitcase. 

Going through security is never fun, but after a few flights you learned what to wear and what not to wear just like Alan has learned the same. You both wore joggers so you wouldn’t have to worry about taking off a belt.  This was one of the rare times you got to see Alan in a hoodie and you cherished it because you loved seeing him in more casual clothes since it didn’t happen often. Both your bags went through the detectors then you followed after, going through the metal detectors.  Alan went through just fine but when you went through after him the machine beeped.  You and Alan both looked at the man who was manning the machine.  He had you stand aside and he used the metal wand to check.  The wand beeped when it reached your stomach and you had forgotten about the belly button piercing you had just got early the day before.  Alan hadn’t even seen it yet and you were planning on easing him into it because he wasn’t a fan of body piercings. The only body piercings Alan liked were ear piercings.  Alan raised an eyebrow and you raised your shirt to show the guard the piercing.  The security guard nodded his head and let you go on, Alan stared at you in disbelief.  

After grabbing your bag you proceeded to the boarding area.  Alan stared at you until you looked at him. 

“Hi.”  You said meekly.

Alan Rickman HimselfWhere stories live. Discover now