Professor Rickman

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“Come on Y/N, it's one semester and you need an Arts elective.”  Your best friend Jen had been begging you to stay in the drama class she had scheduled you in at the beginning of break. She said there was a new professor and he was a lot nicer than the previous one.  

You personally loved the idea of acting and for the most part you were pretty good at it for not ever being trained.  However, two semesters ago you started coming to Jens rehearsals.  She had practically dragged you there after you let it slip that you wanted to join the drama department.  Sadly you had a bad experience with the former drama professor.  

It was right before finals so you were really stressed and your tourette's were acting up.  You have mild tourettes, to everyone who doesn’t know you it just sounds like very loud and high pitched hiccups.  You normally don’t have much of an issue, one or two an hour is what you normally deal with.  However due to the stress you were spazzing which made your noises go on and on for a good 3 minutes several times an hour. You had been sitting in the auditorium watching the drama students practice when one of your outbursts happened and after a minute or so the professor yelled at you telling you to leave.  He told you no one like you could ever be an actress if the only thing you could do was make silly noises.  

“Jen, you know I can’t.  My tourettes won’t allow me, I’ll be nothing but a distraction and even if this new professor allowed me to stay in the class I couldn’t take part in any shows anyway.”  You explained to her for the 30th time.  

“Please! Your tourettes aren’t that bad only when you're stressed.  Please just try. Come to class with me if you hate it you can drop the class.  We both know you want to take this class, don’t let what that asshole said 2 semesters ago affect you this much.”

“Fine, I’ll go but if I don’t like it, or if this professor says some dumb shit about my tourettes I’m going to punch you in the throat.”  You warned her, pointing your finger in her face.

“Yeah, yeah, come on we’ll be late.”  She grabbed your arm and dragged you into the auditorium.  You all sat in the front row of seats waiting for your professor to arrive.  When he made his presence known you recognized him but you weren’t sure from where.  He was a good decade older than you but damn was he attractive.  Silky, sandy brown hair that was a little longer.  It looked so fluffy you just wanted to run your fingers through it.  His perfect hooker nose that fit his face so perfectly, every detail just fit together so well.  It was as if he was put together by angels.  

“Hello everyone, my name is Alan Rickman.  Some of you may recognize me from a couple movies I’ve been in.  However, don’t think that your knowledge of my career is going to get you any further in this class.  It is my job to teach you, not to give you points for being suck ups.  I am your professor for this semester until the university finds a replacement.  I trust your old professor gave you group warm ups to do, so find a partner or small group and get started.”  He directed, motioning for you all to get on stage.  

“What’s he from?”  Jen whispered in your ear.

“I can’t put my finger on it, but I know I recognize him.”  You all started doing your warm ups.  You knew all of them from your time watching them practice.  At the very end of warm ups your tourettes started, it was only a minute or so of hiccup like sounds every few seconds.  You saw Professor Rickman glance at you, but he didn’t make a disgusted face or a face of disapproval like you were expecting.  Instead when your eyes connected he gave you an encouraging smile and a nod.  

“Okay, now.  I would like everyone to get to know each other a little more.  Acting is an art which gets you out of your comfort zone regularly and I would like everyone to be comfortable with each other.  So everyone sit in a circle, let's pretend we're all young and in grade school again.”  He jokes as he sits criss-cross applesauce in the center of the stage. Everyone quickly joined him. You sat next to him with Jen on your other side.  “I want you all to tell us about yourself.  Your name, age, an accomplishment and something strange about yourself.  I’ll go first.  My name is Alan Rickman, I’m 48 years old, I have been in a film called “Die Hard” and I was born with a locked jaw making it hard for me to speak at a young age.”   He used himself as an example then nodded to the person sitting next to him. God 48 years old, he was over 2 decades older than you, why was he so hot?  Everyone had gone and you were the last one left, you were a little self conscious now and you started ticking a little, letting out a few noises.  

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