You Are a Good Father

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"Da-da!”  Your 9 month old baby girl squealed out as your husband Alan spun her around followed by many giggles. You watched from the kitchen doorway as he played with his little girl.  He set her on the floor next to him and put his hands over his face.

“Peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo.”  He cooed with a smile on his face. Your daughter Oakley started to laugh and giggle at her father.  The middle aged intimidating actor being an old softie for his baby girl.  You went back into the kitchen to check on lunch and when you walked back into the living room Alan was laying on his back, holding Oakley in the air.  He’d hold her above his head then bring her back down to his face and kiss her head then put her back in the air.  

“It’s a bird, it's a plan, it's.”  

“It’s time for lunch.”  You interrupted laughing at him.  

“Awe but mom-” 

“No Mr Rickman, last time you played with her through lunch she was cranky the rest of the day. Now go wash up. I made some sandwiches.”  You scolded him. 

“Alright, alright.”  

Alan carried her to the bathroom and held her over his shoulder as he washed his hands.  Then he held her in front of him and put some soap on her hands washing them for her which made her giggle.  After drying both their hands he brought your daughter into the kitchen and set her in her height chair.  You placed a sandwich and some chips in front of Alan's seat then sat in front of your daughter so you could start feeding her. Alan grabbed a jar of baby food from the fridge and set it in front of you so you could feed her.  

“Look love, yours and mommy’s favorite.”  He said, placing the jar of banana baby food in front of you. You gave him a disapproving look. “Oh don’t look at me like that, I’ve seen you eat this before.”

“It's just bananas. I don't know why it weirds you out so much.”  You rolled your eyes.

“Because it's baby food and you are almost thirty.”  He chuckled and kissed your head.  You fed Oakley for a bit, which was always a struggle because she always wanted to do more playing than eating.  You had gotten 3 bites out of her by the time Alan had finished eating. Alan took your plate and moved it in front of his chair then stood up. 

“Eat, I’ll finish.”  Alan plucked the spoon from your hand and motioned for you to move to his chair.  

“Thank you darling.”  You said as you switched places.

“Here comes the airplane.”  Alan moved the spoon around her head then into her mouth.  You smiled into your food watching how good he was with her.  

After about half an hour of feeding her she was done, you knew she was done when she started trying to knock the jar off the height chair table onto the floor.  She succeeded once but Alan luckily caught it before it shattered on the hardwood floor of the kitchen.  You and Alan were snuggled up on the couch with Oakley laying on his chest as he read poetry out loud to both of you for about half an hour before you saw your little one yawn. 

“Uh oh I think it’s naptime.” You cooed, kissing her head and picking her up off Alan's chest. You saw Alan giving you puppy dog eyes, he hated naptime he just didn’t want to be forced to stay awake from her for 30 minutes to an hour. “Don’t even think about it, if she stays up she’ll be a nightmare later and then you get to deal with a fussy Oakley and an angry me.”  You pointed your finger at him. He put his hands up in defense. 


You put her in her crib, turned on her singing mobile, drew the curtains and left her after kissing her nose.  She looked at you with her big hazel eyes that matched her fathers. Smiling, you shut the nursery door and left her to take her nap.  

Alan Rickman HimselfWhere stories live. Discover now