Daddy Daughter Dance PT.2

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Coming through the front door Alan stops when he sees you and Oakley playing in the living room.  He had just got news that he had to attend a meeting tomorrow night from 5:00 till 7:00. The daddy daughter dance starts at 6:30 and he didn’t know how to tell you or Oakley that he might be able to make it. You both were so excited for him to get time off to spend the night with his daughter and now he might have to cancel because his producers wanted to have a last minute meeting regarding the script he was working on.  

Entering the living room he tried not to let on that anything was wrong but you knew him too well. You could sense his stressed aurora the moment you set eyes on him. He knew you knew something was wrong but he still tried to hide it for Oakley’s sake.  

“Oakley honey, why don’t you go get washed up for dinner? Me and daddy will be there in a moment.”  You told your daughter. 

“Okay mama.”  She ran off to the bathroom.  

“What’s wrong?”  You asked, wrapping your arms around his neck.

“I have to attend a meeting tomorrow night.”

“But the daddy daughter dance is tomorrow.”  

“I know, I know but I have to go. They want to go over some changes to the script so I have to attend.”  He rubbed the bridge of his nose.

“Oakley’s going to be devastated.”  You sighed.  

“I’ll see if there’s anything I can do.” 

“Dinner is ready, go get washed up.” You told him, kissing his cheek.  

You all ate dinner together then Alan went upstairs to his office.  You and Oakley still played in the living room while you waited for Alan.

“Daddy.”  Oakley called.

“Daddy will be down soon honey, he’s finishing up a little work.”  

“I know it's a mandatory meeting… Yes I understand it’s important… I have to take my daughter to this dance.”  He fought with his producer on the phone. “I am 58 years old okay, I won’t have another chance to take her to one of these. I missed last year. This is the last year for this. Look, I can attend the meeting until 6:45. That way I can make my daughters dance around 7. That’s how it’s going to happen or I will not attend… I understand but that is my condition, I’ll only be leaving the meeting 15 minutes early. Perhaps we wouldn’t be having a 2 hour meeting if you all did less bullshitting and more working during said meetings.”  He argued.  “Yes thank you bye.”  He hangs up the phone, wasting no time going downstairs with his family.  

“DADDY!”  Oakley yells, running to the stairwell waiting for her father to come all the way down the steps. Her arms outstretched wanting to be picked up by her father. 

“Hey there.”  He picks her up and holds her at his hip.  “Are you and mama having fun?”  

“Yes daddy but we miss you. We want you to come play with us.”  

“Okay honey, I guess we could.” Before he finishes he places her on the floor and starts tickling her.  

“AH Daddy stop!”  She yells, laughing.  

“I gotcha.” He laughs at her.  Your daughter grabs both his hands. 

“No bad daddy.”  She scolds like you do to her. 

“Awe.”  He lowers his head and fake pouts.

The rest of the night you all played in the living room until it was time to put Oakey to bed.  It was Alan's turn to put her to bed tonight. So he sat on her bed and waited while she brushed her teeth and washed her face. Then he helped her brush her long sandy brown hair. Tucking her into bed he sang her a song, placed a kiss on her head and told her goodnight.  

Alan Rickman HimselfWhere stories live. Discover now