Chapter 31

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There's something I should probably tell you." Luke said. Korman looked at him.

"What?" he asked.

"Damianus is convinced I'm a special breed of Elf." Luke said.

"That's crazy. How could you be?"

"My ears. Elf ears are pointed."

"Yours aren't"

"They're close."

"Eah. That doesn't matter."

"That's what Eclipse said." Luke turned his attention back to the fight. Those were definitely Elves. Maybe Damianus called them. If they tried to take him away, he wasn't going to let them. He had a job to do. He closed his eyes and reached his mind out to all of The Crows' minds. He told them to sleep. They all dropped to the ground. So did Luke. He struggled to stay conscious. He failed. Sound faded out as he slowly passed out.

When Luke woke up, The first thing he saw was an unfamiliar face.

"Gah!" Luke scrambled backward on his hands and feet to get away. He remembered where he was. The Crow base. He looked around and saw that there had been a second battle. The only Crows there were the dead ones.

"You are quite safe, friend." The stranger said. Luke spotted his friends. They were unbound. It made him feel safer.

"Who are you?"

"I am Slade."

"Luke." Slade had dark brown hair, green eyes and pale skin, unlike Damianus. He was wearing black clothes, but they weren't a Crow uniform. Luke looked around. All the Elves had blond hair, but their skin tones varied. Luke caught Slade staring at his ears. Luke reached up and covered them.

"Sorry." Slade said. "I've never met an Elf who was so self conscious about their ears."

"I'm not an Elf."

"Right. You were raised away from us. Of course you wouldn't believe that you are one. At least until your ears pointed out." Luke had been about to uncover his ears, but he kept them covered when Slade mentioned them pointing out. He looked at Slade's. They were't pointed, but they did look like Luke's.

"Yours aren't pointed." He pointed out.

"Not yet. They will be soon. Sooner than yours by the looks of things."

"Are you sure? They look like mine." Luke uncovered his ears long enough to give Slade a good look.

"Maybe our ears will point out at the same time or around the same time."

"I'm not an Elf!"

"Just wait until your ears point out. You'll see."

"You're wrong."

"I'll agree until I've been proved right or wrong."

"How about we agree to disagree?"


"I'd appreciate it if my friends didn't find out about my possibly being an Elf until it's either confirmed or proven wrong."


"Thanks." Luke stood up. He started to go over to his friends. Slade was about to follow, when someone yelled at him.

"Slade!" Slade jumped. "Stay away from those humans." A Elf with cerulean eyes and dark skin came over and grabbed Slade's arm. "Don't you remember what humans did to you?" Slade looked at his feet. "They almost killed you, remember?"

"But, they're his friends. They haven't done anything to him." Slade indicated Luke. the Elf looked at him. He narrowed his eyes.

"He lived among them. They don't know what he is."

"I didn't live with all of them, only two." Luke pointed out.

"They still don't know what he is."

"Only one does." The Elf looked at him with anger in his eyes. "I trust him. I've lived with him my whole life. To be honest, I'm not even sure I'm an Elf."

"You are. You'll see." The Elf said.

"That's what I told him. He didn't believe me." Damianus said as he came over. "Hello Father." The other Elf let go of Slade long enough to embrace Damianus. Slade folded his arms.

"No fair he gets to associate with humans." He muttered.

"They didn't almost kill me, little brother." Damianus said.

"Not all the humans are the same."

"Boys! Don't fight each other." The Elf, their father said before things could escalate.

"Yes, Father." Damianus and Slade coursed. Slade kept his arms folded.

"What happened to Slade that caused him to almost die?" Luke asked.

"They kidnapped him and tortured him. He lost his right leg to them. We had to replace it." Slade's father said. "It still bugs him." Slade humphed and turned away.

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