Chapter 38

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Luke heard a loud crack. Eclipse screeched in pain. They crashed. Luke stood up and dusted himself off. He watched as a spark from the city landed on a tree and caught it on fire. He turned to Eclipse. He began to encourage her to get up.

Come on, Eclipse. The forest is on fire! You have to get up. You'll die if you don't. With a groan, Eclipse struggled to her feet. He helped her walk. They got out of the forest and Luke could see how much of his home was burning. The manor was on fire. He thought back to when he'd first come to live there. He still didn't know his way around very well. He helped Eclipse over to a spot where she'd be safe. Then he grabbed his sword and bow and arrows from off of her back and went to defend his home. He met a Crow's sword in midair with his own. He could see the Crow's weakness, and exploited it. He defeated the Crow.

"Luke!" Luke turned around. His friends were there.

"Let's defend Everglade." Luke said.

"Yes, let's." Isabella said.

"Isabella and I will work our way to the manor, everyone else, take down The Crows!" Luke said. They dived into the fray. Luke and Isabella fought back to back. They took down Crow after Crow as brother and sister. They got to the manor. There was an army of Underaged in front of them. Luke began to free them one, by one.

They shook their heads as they shook off the control. Some ran, others stood to fight alongside them. Isabella rallied them.

"These people have taken you from your homes, stole your freedom. Now it's time to take your freedom back! Help us take down The Crows! Only you can save your homes. You're the change your home needs. If we end the Band of the Crows today, they can't continue to terrorize your home tomorrow. The Crows end today!"

"The Crows end today!" The Underaged yelled. They all dove into the battle. Luke and Isabella went to confront The Head Crow. They found him standing and watching the battle with glee. Luke stepped forward.

"Ready to die, Crow?" He said. The Head Crow turned to look at him.

"You." He rasped. "You're too late to save your home. Soon the Earl of this town will be dead, and I will be the ruler of this town."

"We'll see about that." Luke pulled out his sword. So did The Head Crow.

"Isabella go find our parents and get them to safety." Luke told Isabella.

"I will." Isabella ran back into the battle.

"Are you prepared to die for a lost cause?" The Head Crow asked.

"The only one doing any dying will be you." Luke said. He lunged forward and struck. The Head Crow blocked it. Their swords made sparks fly as they met in the air. Luke drew back and slashed at The Head Crow. Again, his move was blocked. Luke thrust and parried blows. He used a backhand move and a side hand. Both moves were blocked. The Head Crow thrusted at him. Luke parried the blow. They locked blades. The Head Crow grabbed Luke's wrist, his grip like iron. Luke twisted his arm toward The Head Crow's thumb to free himself.

They broke apart. The Head Crow lunged, causing Luke to retreat. Then he rained blows down onto The Head Crow in a sequence. He advanced. Then he disarmed The Head Crow. The Head Crow pulled out a second sword and blocked Luke's killing blow. The Head Crow swiped at his head. Luke dodged it. Then he thrusted his sword at The Head Crow. His thrust was parried. The Head Crow locked his blade with Luke's again. He tried to grab Luke's wrist to complete the lock a second time. Luke didn't let him. He retreated. As he retreated, The Head Crow slashed open his leg. Pain flared through the wound, but Luke ignored it. Then advanced. Luke dodged another swipe. Then he swiped at The Head Crow's shins. The Head Crow stepped back to dodge it. Luke took advantage of his stepping back to step forward. He disarmed The Head Crow again. Then he flicked his sword toward the head Crow's throat.

"Yield." He said.

"Not to a child!" there was a crunch as the Head Crow bit into a suicide pill. Luke watched him convulse on the ground and die. He stabbed his sword through the body where The Head Crow's heart was and for good measure, he cut his head off. Then, he limped away.

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