Tom Riddle's Lie - Snarry/Tomarry

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"Wake up, love."

The term itself was a decadent lie.

Harriet Riddle opened her eyes and blinked at the bright sunlight that poured onto the stone floor from the pillared balcony outside of her luxurious room.

She felt an arm wrap around her as the body lying behind her back attempted to replicate the action of snuggling.

It didn't matter how much effort he put into trying, as Tom Riddle's lips gently kissed her shoulder, Harriet could feel how devoid of emotion his actions truly were.

Harriet pushed her husband away and sat up in bed with a sigh.

She looked out over the large bedroom they shared, silently eyeing the fine carpets that covered the grey floor and the bright, serpentine green, gossamer hangings that billowed from their canopy bed.

"Is something wrong?" Tom asked with a slight smirk marring his handsome face as he sat up next to Harriet.

As she drew in a sigh, her swollen breasts heaved in the confines of her black, silk nightgown, but Tom's dark eyes flickered down to her heavy belly.

"Shall I send for the healer, love?" He asked Harriet as his smirk widened.

There was that lie again.

"No." Harriet answered without hesitation. A moment passed before she glanced at Tom and spoke accusingly, "I was in a deep sleep.....You shouldn't have woken me, you know that I need my rest."

"Well, my apologies....." Tom chided her with the hint of a sneer, "But the midwife said at least three meals a day. Is it too much for me to want to dine beside my wife?"

Tom leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Harriet's lips but she squinted her eyes shut and tried to turn away from him.

Harriet heard her husband chuckle in amusement before he rose from the bed and began to dress.

As if she were an outside spectator, Harriet nonchalantly watched Tom wriggle out of his nightclothes and pull on his trousers and robes for the day.

Her emerald gaze silently roamed over his slender, pale muscles.

Tom's short, dark hair, filled with pleasant curls fell in front of his angular face while he grinned as he mistook his wife's contemplation for admiration.

Harriet had been devastated when she lost the war.

It was difficult to say whether it was from the strength of her spell or the strength of the love that protected her, but Voldemort had been blasted back to his youthful self.

His evil had lessened some but his villainy ultimately remained and so did Harriet's hate for him.

Tom had taken her as his prisoner and forced her into a sham marriage where he attempted to live out a fantasy of happiness, but one truth remained.

Tom Riddle wasn't capable of love.

He couldn't feel it.

He couldn't reciprocate it, he could only mimic it.

His ineptness stopped whatever feelings may have taken hold in Harriet's heart for her new spouse.

While the last ten years had gone by, Harriet had grown miserably bored with being kept as Tom's pet.

She led a gilded life in a gilded cage, but that was it all Tom had given her, a gilded cage.

One respite held her back from death and it was that one respite that motivated her to stand from her nest and ready herself for the day.........Harriet Riddle's alpha.

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