The First of Many - (Severus x Female Harry)

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Thanks for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy!

Harriet Snape woke to the sensation of gentle hands kneading at her sore back.

She sighed as she turned her head and opened her eyes to see her husband frowning down at her with serious concern on his pale face.

"Is everything alright?" Harriet asked with a groan.

"I've been waiting to ask you the same question." Severus's reply came in a low, velvet murmur.

Harriet sighed while her alpha slipped a hand around her hips and let his fingers gently press over her swollen belly, "I sensed some tightening hour ago. It lasted for several minutes."

"Is that why you're rubbing my back?" Harriet asked as she closed her eyes again.

Severus watched his mate wince as his pup kicked inside her womb and he tensely replied, "Two days late, my love, I expected you to wake in pain."

"You expected wrong, then." Harriet huffed as Severus's black eyes glimmered in excitement as he felt the movement inside her.

"Should I not send for my mother?" He asked in a low purr.

"No....." Harriet sighed in exasperation, "It's still not time......It's never going to be time."

Severus frowned as he bent down and placed a kiss of loving gratitude on his wife's soft lips.

Pregnancy had made Harriet so plump and vulnerable it was all that Severus could do to keep his hands from wandering up to her breasts or down to her womanhood while their kiss deepened.

Under the Ministry's proclamation , Severus Snape had wed Harriet Potter after surviving his wounds from the war.

Their relationship had been tense and awkward at first, but when Harriet opened her heart to him and showed him what it could mean to be loved, not to only love, but be loved, Severus had fallen for his former student.

A heat cycle later was all it had taken for husband and wife to become mates.

They had purchased a house and after Harriet had fallen pregnant, Severus's mother had come to live with them, eager to help the couple.

Eileen Prince had retired from a long career as a magical midwife, although she had gladly resumed her old vocation for her beloved daughter-in-law.

Harriet and Eileen had managed to form a tight bond with each other as a daughterless mother and a motherless daughter connected.

Eileen looked forward to the birth of her first grandchild as much as her son and his wife, but despite all of the spells, potions, and massages that Harriet had been given, the child didn't seem to look forward to meeting them.

That morning brought the start of New Year's Eve.

Harriet didn't care much as she busied herself through the afternoon and the morning.

Two days overdue, she felt slow, heavy, and miserable.

Severus frowned as he watched her relentlessly take ornaments off of the Christmas tree that night and pack them back in their boxes.

It could have been done instantly with magic, but Harriet enjoyed occupying herself with the busywork.

Severus felt guilty for wanting to devour his little mate when she looked so terribly uncomfortable.

If only he had a way to-

"I remember feeling that way with Severus." Eileen chuckled as she watched Harriet place a hand against her lower back.

Harriet blew out a breath as her mother-in-law smiled and added, "Who knows? This baby may share his father's birthday."

"Oh, don't say that." Harriet begged as she placed a hand on the underside of her belly.

"The birth can't possibly be that late." Severus frowned over at his mother, "Surely that won't be healthy? Is there nothing we can do to induce her?"

"You were that late, love." Eileen nodded at Severus, "You were supposed to arrive by Christmas. You neglected to enter the world until nearly two weeks after.....I was as pained as your poor wife is now."


At the mere mention of the word, Harriet felt a deep cramp wrap around her back and belly.

She laid the ornament down with a trembling hand as she placed the other on her side and groaned.

The sudden sound of fluid splashing against the floor widened everyone's eyes.

Severus's black gaze flickered over to his mother in horror, but Eileen had already risen from her seat on the sofa.

Harriet groaned as her mother-in-law hurried over to her, placed one hand on her shoulder and one hand on her back as she smiled, "Right then, love! Sometimes my predictions are off! I'm a midwife, not a Seer! Let's get you upstairs!"


It frightened Severus how much his pup seemed to be in a hurry.

Over the next two hours, he let Harriet lay against him while she moaned and panted through the pains of labour.

Harriet found her lover's low voice soothing and his gentle touch nearly as calming as the damp cloth that he blotted her forehead with as she ended up lying on his chest, with her knees spread wide and her mother-in-law between them.

As the New Year approached, so did the new Snape.

Harriet groaned and focused on Eileen's voice while Severus held her thighs.

"Come on, Harriet, dear! One more and you're done!" Eileen coaxed.

"One more, my love......" Severus murmured in her ear as he kissed her sweaty cheek, "You're strong enough to face the Dark Lord, you can mother a single child.....Focus......"

While the rest of the world counted down....three, two, one....Harriet bore down as Eileen counted forward.


"That's it, Harriet! Push! One, two, three......."



Harriet fell back against Severus as they both watched in awe while Eileen raised a dirty, screaming, newborn boy over his mother's belly and laid the little child on her chest.

"A full head of dark hair, exactly like his father had when he arrived!" Eileen beamed proudly as she watched her tiny grandson.

Harriet gasped as Severus carefully pulled her close and reverently touched the baby's tiny hand while the infant nuzzled against Harriet's bare breasts.

"What are we to call him?" Harriet laughed as she glanced up at Severus.

"..........Credence." Severus answered after a long moment.

"Credence?" Harriet asked as her crying baby began to root.

Eileen moved forward to help position the newborn at his mother's breasts while Severus explained, ".....After my Grandfather."

"Credence Albus?" Harriet asked while their new little son latched onto her nipple with his grandmother's help.

"Credence Albus, my love." Severus replied as he gave Harriet a quick kiss once she turned her head towards him again.

"Our son...." Harriet smiled breathlessly after she pulled away to look back down at the baby.

Severus's black eyes softened.

His voice dripped with loving adoration as he purred, "The first of many~."

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