Chapter 32 - The Scandalous Affair (Tom Riddle x Female Harry Potter)

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy!

As young Tom Riddle sat in the lonely compartment on the Hogwarts Express, a frown marred his handsome face while he looked out the window at the passing scenery.

Tom Riddle vowed that he would learn all he could, become all he could, and one day......the wizarding world would be at his feet.

His frown deepened as he gazed down at his worn shoes.

Tom Riddle would lift himself and his mother, Merope Gaunt, out of poverty.

Tom Riddle would do it all.


Even as a nervous, gawking first year, Tom couldn't take his eyes off her as he stood in line with his fellow students and waited to be sorted into his house, later that evening, in the Great Hall.

"Who's that?" Tom asked the boy in front of him.

"That's Professor Dumbledore." The boy whispered.

"No! Not the old man....Beside him there at the table......The green-eyed woman. Who is that?!" Tom snapped.

" brother told me that's Professor Potter. She teaches Defence Against the Dark Arts, I think.....or something like that." The boy frowned.

Tom said nothing as he gazed straight ahead at his soon-to-be teacher like a waiting snake eyeing its prey.

From her long, dark hair to her kind, emerald eyes, young Tom Riddle dangerously developed a soul-breaking crush on Professor Potter.

As he watched her chat and laugh with her colleagues, his own eyes widened at the peaceful, playful energy that seemed to radiate from her brilliant smile.

Hidden by the table, Tom could only make out the slender muscles of her arms and the pleasant shape of her full breasts before a shrill voice interrupted his musings.

"Thomas Marvolo Riddle Junior!"

He scowled determinedly as he walked forward, sat on the stool, and let the Sorting Hat that was placed upon his head tell him what he already knew.

"This one belongs in Slytherin!" The Hat bellowed.

Applause erupted from Slytherin's table as Tom walked over and joined his housemates, but his victory was dampened by his own brooding.

Throughout the meal that followed, Tom couldn't go more than a few minutes at a time without glancing at Professor Potter.


Tom rose early the next morning, eager to begin his Hogwarts career.

He made certain his robes were impeccably pressed and his dark curls combed into place before he left his dormitory and went about his first day of classes.

Tom was a studious, curious boy by default, hungry to learn, but hungrier still to use whatever knowledge he managed to obtain.

Regardless, as much as he enjoyed his introductions to Hogwarts' many academic subjects, he looked forward to his final learning period of the day most of all.

As he walked into the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom at last, he tried not to drool as he found Professor Potter waiting at the front of the room, ready to greet the new first years.

"Oh! Hello!" She chirped at Tom as another soft smile graced her lovely face.

"Good afternoon." Tom said with an air of charismatic chivalry that was nearly unheard of for a boy of his age as he stepped forward and shook her hand, "I'm Tom Riddle."

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