Chapter 38 - Full to Bursting

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy!

Harriet Potter had always been a thrill seeker.

Having captured everyone's attention on the Quidditch field, her acts of fearless bravery during her Hogwarts years had won her many friends and several enemies.

Regardless, Harriet had surprised everyone during her seventh year when she had presented as an omega and taken not one but two alphas as her mates; Draco Malfoy, heir to the Malfoy fortune and one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight as well as Tom Riddle, the most handsome and devious boy at the castle.

Such pairings were not particularly common in magical Britain, but Harriet had never cared much for rules.

The two alphas who shared one omega remained at constant odds with each other.

Late one afternoon, while they waited on Harriet to come home from her workday, Draco and Tom sat on the edge of her nest scowling at each other.

"It's going to be mine." Tom said as he crossed his arms, "Do you honestly think a man as weak as you could possibly manage to overpower me, Malfoy?"

"Shove off, Riddle." Draco scowled, "You can boast all you want, but you hear the mewls that come from her lips when I kiss her nipples. Does she ever make that noise for you? Of course not, you're too rough."

Tom gnashed his teeth.

He sucked in a hateful breath as he spat venom  at his rival, "When they pull my son from her womb, you'll-"

A loud pop rang out and instantly, Harriet appeared in front of them.

"Hurry!" She cried with her eyes wide, "I've just come from the healers! They gave me a bit of Fertility Elixir but it'll only last thirty minutes and I'm down by seven! Come on, you two! Hurry!"

Draco and Tom didn't need to be told twice.

It wasn't often an omega struggled with fertility, but the medical team at St. Mungo's offered treatments to those who did.

Both hopelessly in love with the same woman, Draco and Tom lunged forward, eager to take the opportunity to fill their mate's belly with their sons and daughters.

As Harriet knelt on the bed while they each had their turn with her moments later, above the blinding pleasure, she held the image of being a mother in her mind.

Surely between two alphas and one fertility potion she could finally manage to complete the basic task of conception.


Once the trio realized their efforts had been successful, Harriet spent the next months exhausted while Draco and Tom entered into their fiercest round of competition yet.

Harriet's breasts and belly grew by the day and with it, Draco and Tom's desperate need to protect their precious darling.

While Harriet napped one morning, Draco and Tom laid in bed on either side of her.

Draco lovingly combed his fingers through the ends of Harriet's dark hair while Tom gawked hungrily at her breasts.

"The midwife said her milk may come in soon." He said as he licked his lips while his dark eyes hovered on the outlines of her fattened nipples, "......I can't wait for a taste."

"The midwife also said she's most likely carrying more than one." Draco snapped, "I can't wait to meet my sons and daughters."

Eager to shut his rival up, Tom outright ignored Draco's remark and carefully moved Harriet's thin nightgown aside.

As he bent forward and latched onto her, Draco gently did the same with the other side, not wanting to be outdone by his enemy.

Harriet opened her eyes a few minutes later and blinked as she found her lovers' heads bobbing at her breasts.

She sighed to herself as she lifted her arms and buried a hand in each of their hair, determined to hold them close while the lives she carried moved within her.


Draco read.

Tom studied.

Regardless, neither of them felt prepared as they cradled Harriet through the long hours of her lengthy labour.

Sweet nothings were whispered, groans sounded, and back rubs were given before a dark-haired, green eyed baby boy slipped into the world one evening, followed by his blonde-haired, gray-eyed brother fifteen minutes later.

As Harriet flopped back against the pillows, Tom and Draco cradled their newborn sons while the midwife tended their omega.

"Well, Malfoy, it seems I've underestimated you."  Tom chuckled as he looked at the blonde baby in his rival's arms.

"As long as Harriet and the little ones are heathy, that's all I care about." Draco scowled.

"Have I not tended to her well these past months?" Tom smirked, purposely ignoring Draco's own efforts at aiding Harriet, "I would never let harm come to her or our babies."

Draco scowled at his enemy before a deep groan cut him off.


Tom and Draco both looked over at Harriet just in time to watch another whimpering newborn slip into the midwife's hands.

"She was carrying three?!" Draco asked as he rushed to Harriet's side while she slid back against the pillows once more.

"Indeed, she was, sir! That's the last of them, I believe." The midwife chirped as she passed her wand over Harriet's belly to perform a scanning spell.

Tom hurriedly joined Harriet at her other side as he walked around the bed and watched as the baby was placed into her arms.

"He's as beautiful as his brothers!" She gasped as she cradled the youngest of her triplets.

Draco's eyes widened.

Tom's mouth fell open.

As they both stared down at the newest baby, they realized their rivalry would only intensify.

Magic often had unexpected side effects.

As Harriet helped her third baby to the nipple he rooted so desperately to find, neither Draco nor Tom could take their eyes off of the baby's head, which was covered in patches of shockingly blonde hair, but peppered with tufts of dark-brown strands as well.

Harriet sighed as she lay surrounded by her mates and sons.

While Draco and Tom drowned in anguish, her heart felt full to bursting.

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