Headmaster Snape Part II - (Snape x Female Harry)

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy!

Later that afternoon, Headmaster Snape sat across from Harriet in his office after classes had ended for the day.

Harriet shifted uncomfortably in her chair under Severus's black gaze as he peered at her calculatingly.

"...........I'm sorry, Headmaster." Harriet finally admitted as she cleared her throat.

".....Are you.....Potter?" Severus replied as he slowly rose from his chair like a looming shadow.

Harriet shifted in her seat again as Severus stretched out his long arms and leaned over his desk to stare at her more closely.

The white fabric around the black edges of his sleeves silently brushed over the dark wood.

"I'll not tolerate another audacious display of impetuousness. Is that understood?" Severus asked in a low growl.

Harriet blinked at him from her seat.

His statement was profoundly uncharacteristic and she had to find out why.

Harriet kept her emerald eyes fixed firmly on Severus as she hesitantly inquired, "......May I ask, sir, why you've chosen to tolerate this one?"

Harriet expected Severus to approach her, to get close to her face and hiss a thinly veiled insult, but instead, Severus let go of his desk and turned away.

"Our chat is over, Potter. You may go." Severus replied in a cryptic, low drawl as he stared at the stone wall with his back to Harriet.

His answer wasn't good enough for her.

She needed more words, more thoughts, more feelings.....

She swallowed thickly and stammered as she searched for a way to continue their conversation, "Headmaster, I....."

"You may go, Potter." Severus repeated in a voice so harsh and commanding that Harriet could put up little argument.

She stood with a scowl and walked out of  Severus's office.

He didn't turn around until he heard the door close loudly behind her.

When he looked towards it, his pale face was a mask of anguish.

He couldn't possibly have looked at her any longer.

He couldn't possibly have moved any closer to her, else he would have lost control.

Harriet Potter smelled too sweet and her kiss had been far too loving for Headmaster Snape to resist.


The letters began arriving at Harriet's apartment after graduation.

Short, well-written, unsigned letters.

Harriet felt like she knew their author long before she met him for tea one afternoon.

It was on that same day that her dreams at last were realized.


"......And then the prince rescued the princess from the dragon. The prince and princess rode off together to a far away place, safe from the thorny kingdom and all of its monsters, to live happily ever after." Severus finished in a low drawl as he closed the large storybook that he read from while he sat on the edge of the bed.

"Did you save Mummy from the dragon, Daddy?" A black-haired little girl asked as she peered up at Severus with wide, emerald eyes as she lay under the covers of her bed.

"Daddy saved Mummy many times from the dragon." Severus quipped as he pulled the blankets around his small daughter and nodded to her, ".....It just took Mummy and Daddy some time to ride off together."

The little girl smiled as Severus leaned forward and gave her a quick kiss on her forehead before he whispered, "Close your eyes and sleep now, Eileen. It's past your bedtime."

Eileen obediently closed her eyes as she whispered, "Alright, Daddy."

When her breathing became slow and deep, Severus deftly stood, turned out the lamp beside the bed, and quietly left his little one's room.

Once he made it back to the bedchamber that he shared with his mate, Severus changed into his nightshirt.

He stealthily crawled into bed beside Harriet and pulled her into his arms, careful not to wake her from her slumber.

Severus cuddled his darling and drifted off into a dreamless sleep as he reminisced.

Although it rarely made him happy when students misbehaved, he was profoundly glad that he had caught Harriet looking into the mirror that night, so many years ago.....

It was Severus Snape's greatest joy to be Harriet Snape's erised.

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