The Snape-Malfoy Delivery (Dracox Female Harry)

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"You're going to be just fine, Lucius." Narcissa sighed as she took her lacquered traveling trunk into her pale hand, "Everyone's going to be just fine."

She walked up to her husband who held her under his steely glare of disapproval, even as she leaned forward and pressed a sweet kiss to his lips.

"Draco's home every evening as soon as he finishes at St. Mungo's......The baby isn't due for another month.....He can apparate here instantly, there's nothing to be worried about." Narcissa reasoned while she stroked her frowning lover's long, blonde hair.

Lucius offered his wife a scowl as a silent response.

"You weren't this nervous when Draco was born!" Narcissa laughed as she stepped back and removed her wand from her pocket.

"'Cissa, you don't have to do this....." Lucius reasoned as he watched his wife prepare to leave him alone in the grand bedchamber that they shared, "Surely your mother can wait a few more weeks until-"

Lucius didn't get to finish his thought before Narcissa apparated away with a loud pop.

He drew in a deep, heaving breath as he grit his teeth.

For a moment, Lucius listened to the quiet of the manor.

The tranquil silence only amplified his anxiety.


That same morning, Harriet Malfoy furrowed her brow as she woke to the feeling of something lodged painfully underneath her left rib cage.

A gentle, soothing sensation over that ache gave her the courage to open her eyes.

The first thing she saw was her handsome husband staring down at her with loving adoration in his grey gaze while his nimble, tapered fingers rubbed calmingly over the pronounced curve of her rounded belly.

"Good morning, love." Draco purred to his omega as he leaned down and gave her a gentle kiss.

"Good morning......" Harriet mumbled groggily as she yawned.

Draco paused to admire the bounce that his mate's heavy curves gave as she struggled to sit up in bed.

After Harriet was comfortably on her bottom with Draco's kind assistance, she blinked as he rose from the covers.

"Where are you going?" She asked with a frown.

".....,To dress for work." Draco laughed. He smirked as he watched his wife admire his bare frame while he changed into his healer's uniform, "See something you like, darling?"

"I wish you didn't have to go." Harriet frowned as she shuffled around in her nest, "I need you, Draco. Can't you take your paternity leave a bit early?"

"Six more days, love, only six more days." Draco cooed to Harriet as he walked over to the bed and kissed her lips again.

Harriet whimpered against him as Draco's lovely, warm hands encircled her belly.

Ten years had passed since the second wizarding world war.

During her successful career as an auror, she and Draco had reunited one afternoon when he had delivered some records from the hospital to her office.

A few flirtatious letters back and forth afterwards had turned into a butterbeer date at The Three Broomsticks.

Another date and then another........

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