Snily's Year - (Severus x Lily)

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Thanks for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy!

Every staff member at Hogwarts knew that Severus Snape was one of the students who chose to stay at the castle during the holidays.

The winter recess of his seventh year was no exception.

More than a few eyebrows were raised though when Lily Evans, the most popular and brightest girl in her year, agreed to remain at the lonely castle instead of visiting her family.

Severus and Lily had both earned their apparition licenses two months prior.

After Christmas, while the rest of those remaining at the castle muddled through the grey days, Severus and Lily slyly followed their plan.

They had been best friends for nearly ten years.

However, not many people realized how much more they had become to each other during that time.

On the evening of December thirty-first, Lily wore a simple white dress that she had purchased in Hogsmeade.

Severus wore his school uniform.

Together, they walked hand in hand off of Hogwarts' grounds and apparated straight to Gretna Green.

Lily's emerald eyes glittered with tears as she and Severus stood facing each other an hour later while the officiant led them in their vows, "I take you, Severus Snape, to be mine, my pleasure, my pain, my honor, and my heart, forever and always."

Lily sniffed as she looked at Severus and repeated, "I, Lily Evans, take you, Severus Snape, to be mine, my pleasure, my pain, my honor, and my heart, forever and always."

Severus squeezed his darling's hands as he frowned and watched silent tears of joy roll down her cheeks.

"Now let's have your turn." The officiant nodded at Severus, "I take you, Lily Evans, to be mine, my pleasure, my pain, my honor, and my heart, forever and always."

Severus looked at Lily with the utmost sincerity as he raised his chin and vowed to her in a low drawl, "I, Severus Snape, take you, Lily Evans, to be mine, my pleasure, my pain, my honor, and my heart, forever and always."

Lily smiled through her tears as Severus's grip on her hands tightened.

He resisted the urge to cry as the officiant nodded and declared over the happy couple, "I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Snape. Mr. Snape, you may kiss your bride."

As the two teenagers embraced, Lily's hands cupped Severus's pale cheeks as he pressed a deep kiss to her pink lips.

Behind them, the officiant smiled to himself.

After years of performing marriage ceremonies, he had come to recognize when a couple truly loved each other and when they did not.

As he watched Severus and Lily cling to each other so needily, there was no doubt in his mind that the young lovers' hearts were true.


The Snapes' honeymoon location options were rather limited since money was something to consider for the newlyweds.

It was really no matter, though, the Room of Requirement did nicely.

Upon Severus and Lily's return to the castle, the doorway promptly appeared to the couple and they eagerly went inside.

The room had outfitted itself with a table full of food, a cozy fire that crackled from an engraved hearth, and a soft, welcoming bed.

The door had barely closed behind them before Severus's hands slipped onto Lily's waist and his lips pressed against her throat.

Lily turned her face towards him and let one hand slip into his hair.

Together, they stumbled towards the bed........

Their marriage would be consummated and after that, no one could protest their union, not their parents, not the staff.......not even James Potter and his band of miscreants.


The fire smouldered as Severus and Lily writhed against each other in the sweat-dampened sheets an hour later.

"I love you, Sev." Lily whispered before Severus gave her another lingering kiss.

He didn't say the words back to her, but Lily could feel his devotion in the way that he pulled her close to his chest and wrapped around her protectively.

She cuddled into the crook of Severus's neck and breathed in his scent, lavender mixed with brittle parchment.

In a voice barely above a whisper, Severus confessed to his bride, "..........You're my world, Lily."

"We." Lily corrected with a giggle.

Severus's black eyes were irresistibly soft as he stared down at her intently and agreed, ".......Of course."

Lily started to say something else, but a loud cracking noise halted her words.

An enchanted window appeared in the Room of Requirement and Mrs. Snape scrambled out of bed to watch the fireworks displayed in its frame.

Severus stealthily slid out from under the covers and walked over to his bride.

Husband and wife watched the grand show from the window, both completely bare.

Severus bent his head and kissed Lily's shoulder while his manhood brushed enticingly against her bottom.

"It must be midnight." Lily surmised with a gentle smile as she laughed, "We missed the new year, Sev!"

"We haven't missed anything." Severus said in a low purr as he lifted his hands and placed them on Lily's lower belly, just below her navel.

The swell was slight and still unnoticeable under her uniform, but Severus knew it was there.

The knowledge that his lover carried his child within her made him rise each morning with pride in his chest.

Everything had worked out well.

Lily had fallen pregnant two months earlier, around the time that Severus had proposed to her, beside the creek that ran between their houses, on the exact spot where they had met each other as children.

They had decided to elope during the winter holidays, with the intention of telling their families in the coming weeks.

Professor Slughorn had agreed to take Severus on as his apprentice, which would soon provide enough of an income to support his small family.

Graduation would arrive in a few months and shortly after, Severus and Lily would meet their first son.

"This will be our year." Severus whispered in Lily's ear.

The confidence in his low voice made the hair on the back of her neck bristle as a grin played over her lips.

Lily turned and kissed her new husband once more while the fireworks continued behind them in the enchanted mirror.

After so many years of darkness and struggle, Severus looked forward to a new era in his life filled with the affection of the woman that he loved, a happy family, and financial security.

As long as Severus had his darling Lily by his side, he knew that his world would be light.......always~.

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