Alone [A/F]

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Warnings: Rape/ Sexual Assault. [Sad :( ]
Word Count: 1180

-Natasha has been away on an undercover mission for 2 months, everyone has noticed you're becoming more and more unhappy-

"Hey Y/n/n, wanna come to the store? Or wanna watch a movie, we could play a board game or we could read!" Peter suggested excitedly.

"I'm sorry, not today Peter," I mumbled out. Since Nat had been away I was getting less sleep. Nat would always cuddle with me until I fell asleep but she's been too busy on her mission to even call I'm not mad I just miss her.

I sat up and called nick. "Fury I want a mission," I demanded.

"Y/n I'm gonna have to say no." He told me.

"Fury, with all due respect I need a mission. Just anything to take my mind off nat. Please." I begged him I heard him sigh.

"There is a hydra deal happening in England, dress fancy and intercept the package. Got it? Don't screw it up." He told me I agreed and he sent me the location.

Within the hour I was in England at the event. I was all dressed up in a blue dress with a slit down the side I had black heels and my gun in my purse.

I saw Sitwell with a briefcase and I knew it was him. I Walked over as soon as he handed the briefcase over.

"Hey there," I said to the man, he was old this would be easier than I thought.

"Can I help you?" He asked skeptical of me.

"Actually, can I help you?"I whispered into his ear seductively while pushing myself onto him more forcing my way onto his lap.

"Alright, pretty girl. Let's go up to my room." He smirked taking my hand and dragging me away from the party.

I forgot my purse downstairs shit. He dragged Me upstairs to his room and he threw me onto his bed.

"Я знаю, что ты Мститель, да? не волнуйся, я думаю, шлюшка подходит намного лучше. Не так ли? [I know you are an Avenger Y/n, is it? don't worry I think Slut fits much better. Don't you?]" He smirked and tied me to the bed.

"Бля нет! ни за что [fuck no! No way]" I tugged at the rope but I was stuck.

"Просто расслабься, наслаждайся этим. [Just relax, enjoy this." He spoke while undressing himself.

I glared at him.

"Вставать. Одевайся, Моя шлюшка. [Get up. Dress yourself My Slut.]" He panted out I was in shock. I was untied but my body couldn't move it was in pain.

"я не могу [I can't]" I muttered out. He just dragged me up off the floor. And redressed me.

"видя, как ты дал мне хорошее время, ты можешь получить это. [Seeing as you gave me a good time you can have this.]" He handed me over the briefcase and dragged me out the back of the hotel He left me in the alleyway.

1 day later.
I made it back to the compound and I just threw the briefcase into the meeting room "Make sure fury gets that." I muttered and then went to my room. I couldn't move I just collapsed to the floor in pain.

I sobbed in that stupid dress. I couldn't get out of it. I couldn't bring myself to look at my body.

I didn't talk I didn't eat I didn't move for 3 days. I was just laying on the floor thinking about how I would tell nat I cheated on her.

Tony's Pov
It's been 3 days since y/n came back. ".........So I hacked into the cameras at the event. They knew y/n was there, they um.... one if the hydra agents took her away for that night, into his room... I think He Raped Y/n..." I said with my head down. everyone sat In shock.

"We need Nat. she's the only person who Y/n would come out to see," Clint muttered out.

"Ok. I'll tell Fury to get nat out of the mission and back here as soon as possible." Steve stood up and called Fury.

5 minutes later Steve walked back in "He said we need to talk to nat and tell her why she's being pulled out." He sat down and called nat. He called her 56 times before nat answered.

"Steve, come on I was asleep. What?" Natasha asked tiredly.

"We need you back. Y/n was on a mission and it went wrong. She hasn't come out of your room for 3 days and she won't talk. We haven't even heard her move." I explained there was silence for a minute.

"What happened on the mission?" She slowly asked. Everyone was silent.

"What happened to my Fiancée," Natasha asked seriously.

"We think a hydra agent raped her...." I muttered. We heard moving about.

"I'll be home in 2 hours." She then hung up.

2 hours later
Just like Natasha, she was right on time. The quinjet landed and she came out. "Our room?" She asked we noded and she ran off.

Natasha's Pov
I ran to mine and y/n's room and it was locked. "JARVIS open the door."

"I'm afraid I can't miss Romanoff" jarvis answered

"Jarvis. Open the door y/n isn't ok." Then I heard the lock open I opened the door and I went into the room it was dark and I couldn't see very well. Some light was coming through the curtains but that was it. I noticed the figure in the corner curled up.

"Y/n? My darling what's Happened to you?" I asked softly walking over. I kneeled next to her and she looked up.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry Natasha I'm-"

"Hey it's ok, it wasn't your fault Alright?" I tried to reassure her I hugged her tightly not wanting to let go.

"But- I cheated on you, we were supposed to be getting married next year!" She muttered out.

"1, you didn't cheat that mission went horribly wrong. 2, I'm still gonna Marry you. I love you Y/n I wanna spend the rest of my life with you" (ya know before she goes splat :/)

"I love you too Natasha" She smiled lightly. I picked her up.

"You need a nice warm bath, Netflix and a good meal," I told her.

"Will you- will you come into the bathroom with me I just Don't-"

"You don't have to explain I'll join you" I smiled and helped her out of the dress. That's when I saw her body. It was bruised all over and she had marks everywhere I let out a small Gasp and I hugged her.

"I'm so sorry, you didn't deserve that," I whispered to her.

"I'm ok, I have you back" She kissed my lips softly and I ran the bath.

-Nat helped you get better and you got married in autumn. You all lived happily ever after.- (And no Nat didn't get to go cliff jumping, No Splatasha.)

sorry if there are spelling mistakes I never proofread, I should probably start doing that :/

Anyways hope everyone is doing ok!
-Lizzie <3

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