Who Is Y/n L/n? [A/F/S]

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Warnings: violence? Language? 🥲Bit of smut at the end⚠️
Word Count: 1043

-Natasha and the avengers needs help after a crash in Russia so Nat takes them to the one person she trusts with her life- not proofread <3

Natasha's Pov
"I'm here to see your boss. Tell her it's Romanoff." I explained to two of y/n's guards/agents. Tony yawned.

"Nat where are we?" Steve asked tired and confused. While everyone else was tired and falling asleep as well.

"Go on. She's in her office" Her guards noded and let us in the rather large house- well mansion. I told the team not to touch anything and follow me.

"You still look as beautiful as the day I laid my eyes on you." I smiled when I noticed the familiar y/h/c girl sitting at her desk. She closed her laptop and looked at me and the team.

"You are getting my floors dirty Natasha" She simply said with a sigh as she eyed up the team her gaze lading on Tony. "Hey, handsome." She winked and I rolled my eyes knowing fine well she had no interest in him.

"Now now, do that when I'm not around," I said glaring at her a little and she smirked.

"So you'd rather your wife cheats on you.... when you aren't around?" She questioned quickly tilting her head and the others all suddenly woke up.

"That's Y/n?!" Clint said with wide eyes. She laughed.

"So they know who I am" She smirked I noded a little before answering.

"It's hard keeping you a secret when I visit so often" I shrugged she nodded understandingly.

"You all look like shit, how about Natasha takes you to your rooms?" She said raising an eyebrow at me I nodded and left my wife.

I showed everyone to their rooms before walking off to find my wife. "YA dumal, chto skazal v proshlyy raz, chto eto bylo vashe posledneye preduprezhdeniye, ne tak li? (i thought I said last time it was your final warning, no?)" I heard her question annoyed.

"ty znayesh', ya neterpeliv. YA ne lyublyu zhdat'. no ne zastavlyayte moyu ruku.(you know I'm impatient. I don't like waiting around. but don't force my hand.)" She spat out with venom. then a gunshot went off and she sighed. "Clean up that mess please." Then she came put her office and as soon as she saw me she smiled.

"Hello moya Lyubov" She kissed me.

"Who got on your bad side?" I questioned knowingly. she rolled her eyes annoyed even thinking about it.

"Some annoying bitchy hydra agent," She said irritated now, I used her hand and she relaxed.

"Let go to bed?" I suggested she nodded and let me drag her to our bedroom away from the chaos of today.

-In the Morning-
Y/n was still asleep when I woke up so I let her sleep, she works hard. She's a shield ally, She refused to join sheild because she likes her independence and being the boss, except when we get alone time. (😏😉)

I walked downstairs into the kitchen and Clint and wanda were there talking "so you think she's in the mafia and I think she's a god, why not ask nat?" Clint said to wanda making me laugh.

"Shes neither of those things, grow up" I rolled my eyes playfully and Clint shrugged.

"But everything about her screams badass mafia boss" Wanda protested.

"I've known her since we were kids. She's not a mafia leader, just sweet Y/n L/n" I smiled remembering our past memories.

"L/n- so did you both keep your last names?" Clint asked.

"No, I took Romanoff" y/n mumbled walking into the kitchen with our cat Liho following closely behind her.

"You have a nice house y/n," Tony said walking in.

"It's Natasha's house as well" y/n added for me, making me smile and wrap my arms around her. "Tashaaaa" She whined making us all laugh she bit my hand.

"Y/nnnnn" I teased back she glared up at me

"Wow two scary women bring cuddly and a couple like-" Tony ruined the moment and we both glared at him making him worried "sorry!" He apologised and we kissed each other.

"You better be," I said Seriously but jokingly y/n hummed in reply nodding her head in agreement.

"You two are my favourite couple ever." Wanda sighed drinking her orange juice.

"Thank you wanda" y/n beamed hopping up on the counter to sit on it

"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked y/n's eyes widened.

"You are not touching my kitchen, Natasha." She said sternly making me pout. "Nope don't give me that pout. I know you can't cook and you know it too." She said getting up and hopping off her seat from the counter.

"Okay that's fair" I sighed y/n nodded knowingly and wanda laughed.

"Power couple." She sighed making us laugh.

"Hell yeah!" Clint exclaimed in agreement y/n laughed harder holding onto me for support.

"Breath котенок," I said calming myself down as well, I knew what I was doing. She knew I was winding her up as well, but I missed her.

"Don't say that!" She said slapping me.

"Don't say what, котенок? Is that the problem? Aw, my poor little котенок" I teased she glared and the others left the kitchen. I let my hand brush against her thigh and I knew she was getting frustrated.

"Final warning Natalia." She warned quietly.

"That's not my name котенок" I quietly muttered into her ear then I sucked a few hickeys on her neck instantly going to her sweet spot. "Mmm. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fine, you win." Y/n groaned lightly I smirked and pulled her out of the room and taker her to our room.

"Mommy always wins котенок"

Author note:

Okay but this was very fun to write, I definitely feel like Natasha would relax around you and you'd do the same.

Part 2 for smut? 😏

I hope everyone is having a great day or night you might be a little nocturnal animal like me,

I love you all so much! Stay safe!!!

-Lizzie <3

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