Stupid Bet. [A/F]

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Warnings: Fluff because I'm mellow today ✌🐧
Word Count: 1036

Y/n's Pov
"Hah y/n you can't go a day without cuddling up to Natasha" Sam smirked laughing

"Well she is my fiancée" I shrugged.

"You are so attached to her, I bet you can't go the week without talking to nat," Bucky said chiming in.

"And if I can?" I asked them both.

"Well do both Yours and Nat's paperwork for the next two months." Bucky and Sam finally said. I nodded in agreement.

"Okay deal-

"-But! if you can't go the week, you have to go on a date with cap." Sam added with a sly smirk.

"Fine," I muttered they high fived

"Okay rules! No texting her, No talking to her, No hugging, No sex, No kissing, No anything. You can't even be in the same room." Sam explained I noded feeling the regret already forming.

But it'd be worth it to see bucky and Sam doing our paperwork while we could go out on dates with the spare time.

Just then Nat walked in on her phone "Hey guys!" She said putting her phone away bucky looked at me and I sighed and got up and left the room.

Bucky's Pov
"What's her problem?" Natasha asked confused we shrugged nat sighed.

"All I wanted was to cuddle" She grumbled and left the room. Sam and I laughed

Natasha's Pov
As I left the lounge I heard bucky and Sam laugh but I brushed it off as I was walking down the hall I asked jarvis where y/n was.

"Miss L/n is with Mr Stark in the lab" I sighed and went to my room. I don't like the lab Tony does too many stupid things.

I was getting ready for bed when I texted y/n to see If she'd come to cuddle like every night, we cuddle and keep her safe I'm in my room so she won't sleepwalk anywhere, I'm a light sleeper so I wake up instantly.

Moya lyubov❤🐧

When are you coming to bed?
detka, have I done something wrong?

You've been avoiding me all day are you okay? What's wrong, you can talk to me


Please come to bed? I want your cuddles! 🥺


Moya lyubov❤🐧 is Typing......


Then nothing, she stopped typing. I sighed.

Moya lyubov❤🐧

Alright, you don't have to talk to me, I'm sorry you don't feel comfortable enough to talk to me


I love you



I don't know what's going on but I was already upset. I just went to sleep hoping she'd talk tomorrow

-in the morning-
Y/n's Pov
I got up and ignored nat again, it was breaking my heart ignoring her and it was only day 2! 5 more days to go.

-4 days Later-
I've ignored nat all week and it has been painful to just walk out without kissing her or hugging her randomly. she'll text me and ask what was wrong or to tell me to make sure to eat or something sweet, I was missing her and she wasn't even gone.

I almost forgot I was on a mission until I felt the throbbing pain in my abdomen. I was the target of a knife, It hurt a lot more than it should have so when I got back I was rushed down the lab. I was confused but I knew one thing.

"I want Nat!" I sobbed out cap looked at me sympathetically

"Someone get Natasha Down here! It's a code red!" He yelled and Clint left.

"I want Natasha" I cried out again I wasn't letting anyone touch me. I only wanted nat

"Y/n your gonna bleed out, Bruce needs to fix that," Steve said coming closer to me, I backed up in the corner.

"Please..... I just want Nat" I whispered cap sighed and then the doors burst open.

"Where is she?!" I heard Natasha yell I looked up at her and Steve nodded to me she softened when she saw me.

"You lot leave, I'll fix her" with that everyone left the room and nat rushed over after grabbing supplies.

"Take off your suit please dorogoy," She asked I pryed my suit off my body with a lot of help and nat picked up my Aching body and laid me down on the bed to get a better look at me. she stated cleaning the stab wound but I put a hand on hers

"I-I'm sorry" I muttered she stopped cleaning my wound for a minute.

"I know, it's okay, bucky and Sam were mean to do that to you," She said softly kissing my hand.

"You knew?" I whispered she noded.

"Wanda read buckys mind after the 5th day. I was worried and she told me he made a bet, If you wanted more time together for dates I would have told Fury to stop giving us so much work" She explained starting to stitch me up.

"You didn't lose y/n, you did a good job 6 days. But you really needed nat so we will do your paperwork" bucky smiled sympathetically and I noded snuggling up to Nat more.

"I love you moya lyubov" Natasha whispered and I smiled and kissed her.

"I love you more detka" She gasped.

"That's hot." She said kissing me back, I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"You said detka" She smiled I nodded tiredly "sleep, I'm not leaving you" (Vomir: are you sure about that?)
With Natasha's soft words and her tracing her name on my arm I fell asleep. I had missed her so much and I have her back with Me, I was the happiest girl in the world with the most gorgeous fiancée.

Author Note:
Okay but this was too cute not to write, I got the idea while watching my cat ignore me for 5 minutes until she decided she was hungry 😌😂

I hope everyone is having a great day or night I love you all 3000!

Remember to eat and drink, go a walk take care of yourself, have a break 💕💕

-Lizzie <3

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