Secret aren't always kept. [A/F]

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Warnings: injury, car crash
Word Count: 829

-The Avengers Knew Natasha's family or so they thought-

Y/n's Pov
I was driving home after a stupidly long shift at work, Natasha has told me to find a better job that doesn't exhaust me this much but I argued back that she's an Avenger so my job is hardly exhausting.

I Decided to call Nat and see what she'd want for dinner cause she'd finish work soon as well, it was only 10 as well so I could cook something.

I called but nat never answered so I figured she'd be in a meeting, that's fine I guess.

I noticed a black car speeding up the road. Its headlights were blinding Me but it had a red symbol on the front that I couldn't make out. a gun appeared from the window and they shot my tire out.

The car stopped and the wheels screeched against the road. The burst tire made my car go off-road and flip over.

When I woke up I noticed blood dripping off me. I reached for my phone through the glass that was shattered everywhere and I called Natasha. Again and again, until she'd answer.

Natasha's Pov
I was in a meeting but my phone kept ringing. It was y/n calling. "Who's that nat?" Steve asked.

"Y/n...... My Wife" I said they were all shocked especially Clint.

"Answer your wife Natasha Romanoff!" Clint scolded, I smirked rolling my eyes but I picked up my phone and answered.

"Hey, moya lyubov, what's up?"

"I um- I- someone shot at my car...... I-I'm ok-ay... I think?"

My smile faded "y/n. What happened. are you bleeding? Where are you? What road are you on?" I asked my concern only growing by the second.

".......yeah- I'm um... I'-m I'm bleeding.. but- ...I'm not... -exactly on a- a road" She muttered then the phone was dropped. I heard small groans.

"Stay still I'm coming." I got up from my seat.

"You all up for a mission?" I asked seriously they all got up.

"What happened?" Bruce asked.

"Attempted Murder on my wife. Tony track the call." I handed him my phone he nodded and started the program.

After 10 minutes Tony came in wearing his suit. "Jarvis found her, she was right she's not on the road anymore. In a field just 17 miles away." I nodded and we all grabbed our weapons, Bruce grabbed a medkit and supplies then we all got into the quinjet.

Y/n's Pov
My phone hung up when it died but at least Nat was coming. I started to really feel everything. I had to get out of the car, it was starting to smoke.

So I undid my seatbelt and I fell to the roof of the car, the glass was everywhere and now on me. I grabbed my bag from the front seat and I crawled out of the car and got a few feet away before it went up in flames.

Then I heard a plane of some sort. I looked up and it was a qunjet I stayed on the ground waiting for Natasha.

Then when it landed a few meters away from the burning car Natasha came out and ran to me. "Y/n!" She came to the ground but didn't hug me I pouted.

"No hug?" I mumbled Sadly.

"Y/n I can't, it'll hurt," She said pecking my lips.

"Let's get you fixed up Mrs Romanoff," Bruce banner said. Then Steve fucking Rogers picked me up.

"Oh, they know?" I asked Nat nodded.

A few days later
I was all bandaged up with a shattered bone in my legs concussion and a few other injuries that I can't remember the names of. Natasha had decided the safest place for us was the compound.

"What do you remember?" Clint asked me while nat hugged my side.

"The car was on the wrong side of the road for starters.... it was black but the bonnet had a red symbol on it I couldn't make it out but it looked like a skull? Um, I was being blinded by the headlights as well. Then they started shooting out my tires then it's kinda hazy after.. I'm sorry" I said snuggling into Natasha more

"Don't be sorry, I'm glad you made it out alive lyubov" Natasha said rubbing my back, I smiled and kissed her softly.

"I'm glad too, I'd miss you too much if I were dead" I joked nat just smiled and hugged me close.

That's how most days went while I recovered Natasha would look after me while working but she always made me her top priority.

"I love you"

"I love you more dorogoy," Nat said sleepily

"Not possible" then we fell asleep

The End

Author Note:
Sorry if this is shit, anyway! I hope everyone is all safe and well! Have a great day or night!

-Lizzie <3

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