See You Later? [F]

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Warnings: none, I think, Fluff :)
word Count: 1003

-5 year's ago-
"Natalia go," y/n said softly pushing me away from her releasing my grip on her

"But I don't want to leave you! I can't " I quietly protested fighting the urge to cry I held her hand tightly.

"This isn't Goodbye, This is simply..." She paused thinking for a few seconds "See you later." She said firmly with an encouraging smile. I finally noded and kissed her

"See you later moya Lyubov" I finally said she watched me leave from afar and then I disappeared.

-present-day after the battle of New York-
I was at the tower in my room just looking at the only photo I had left of the girl I loved. The girl I longed to hold.

I was interrupted by a knock on my door. "Yes?" I questioned putting the small picture away

"Team meeting nat, fury called it," clint said poking his head in I nodded and he left my room I got up and walked to the meeting room. I sat in my seat next to clint and everyone else came in.

"Thank you all for coming." Fury began putting both hands on the table. "I have a new avenger who is joining." He said everyone looked somewhat surprised.

"Who's the new guy then?" Tony asked I raised an eyebrow

"It might be a woman this time Tony" I argued he shrugged leaning back in his seat.

"Agent Y/n Y/l/n." Fury said making me shocked. I looked at him and yet he didn't seem to notice my shock

"A trained Assassin. She caught shield's eye last year and she's just accepted the job last week." Fury went on to explain.

"Agent L/n will help bring a new opinion to the team, I feel we need that." Fury furthermore explained we all noded and fury opens the door and the familiar y/h/c girl entered the room she had a smile across her face and her eyes still had their sparkle, the girl I loved was still herself.

"Hi I'm Y/n, nice to meet you all," she spoke sweetly and the others were all drooling over her already.

"I could call you y/n...... But I'd prefer to call you mine." Tony winked at her and  She gave me a slight glance

"I'm sorry Mr Stark, I'm Already Taken," she said softly to hopefully let his ego stay intact for some reason.

"Damn lucky man.," Tony sighed putting his hands up in defeat.

"Lucky woman actually" she smiled and Tony laughed.

"Damn Romanoff, she your girl that you blabber on about?" Sam smirked at Tony. Y/n looked at me and smiled.

"Please let agent L/n settle in before you all pester her." Fury said turning to y/n and nodding before leaving.


Y/n's Pov
I was in my new room unpacking when I heard a light knock at my door. "Come in," I said closing a drawer.

"Hey" I heard the redhead I knew so well whisper I looked up at her and she smiled sadly

"I- this isn't some dream.... Right?" She asked I looked at her and shook my head no

"It's not, I promise," I said softly smiling to reassure her she nodded and pointed to my bed silently asking if she could sit I nodded yes and she sat down on the bed.

"So.. Are we still?... Dating?" She quietly whispered afraid to know my answer

" you still love me like I love you?" I asked she looked up at me

"Yes," she said looking into my eyes I could see the pain she had been through. I wrapped my arms around her.

"Then yes moya Lyubov we are," I said softly kissing her she melted into the kiss instantly.

"I've missed you... ok sorry I-"

"No. It was for the best. And we are together again, aren't we?" I asked she smiled and noded

"You are really back," she said hugging me tightly.

"Come on, I'm tired you can wear my hoodie and we can go to sleep," I said breaking apart from our hug. I got up and grabbed a big hoodie I owned and handed it to Natasha she smiled and changed after we got into my bed, getting under the covers and she wrapped her arms around my body again.

"I love you so much dorogoy" she whispered while tracing her name in my back I smiled even if it was too dark for her to see

"I love you more Malishka" I muttered back yawning after.

Before she could say anything I was sound asleep.

-In the Morning-
Natasha's Pov
"Where were you, Romanoff? You weren't training early this morning" Steve questioned as y/n and I walked into the kitchen

"I was with y/n this morning, I was making sure she was settling in okay" I lied and they bought it. Bar clint he looked at me with a smirk and I glared, he went back to eating his cereal.

Y/n made toast and she was eating beside tony. "So y/n, who's your girlfriend, what's she like, what's her name?" Tony asked y/ n looked at me for help.

"Natasha Romanoff," I said taking a sip from my coffee.

"Wait wait wait. You two ARE dating?!" Clint gasped surprised. Y/n laughed softly and nodded yes

"We were lovers in Russia then we were separated for a while but now we are back together" she explained Steve 'awwed' making us laugh.

I kissed y/n and tony pouted "mean Romanoff." He said jokingly.

Y/n shrugged and kissed me again then she got up "see you guys later" then she dragged me out of the room.

Author note:
Does this make up for the last chapter I posted? Maybe? It's a cute fluff chapter 🥺

I hope everyone is having a great day or night I love you all 3000!

-Lizzie <3

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