I'll Hit you. [A/F]

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Warnings: Language and violence
Word Count: 546

-Y/n is not in the mood for anyone's bullshit-

Y/n's Pov
I woke up at 7 am with a sore head so I knew If someone pisses me off, they will regret it. I woke up to a sweet text from nat but I was disappointed when I found out she had a mission and wouldn't be back till later. Great.

I got out of bed and went downstairs to make my breakfast Steve was about to say morning but I quickly stopped him. "I'll hit you" I simply said he nodded and left the kitchen. I made toast and butter cause I really didn't wanna wait for food but I was hungry so yeah toast and coffee.

I ate my so-called breakfast and cleaned my dishes before putting them away. I went back up to my room to run a bath but I was devastated when I found out all my bath bombs were gone! I got up and ran to wanda.

"Wanda" I yelled while walking into her room, her head turned to look at me and she looked at me confused.

"What's wrong?" She asked confusion written all over her face.

"I need some bath bombs!" I pouted her confused state quickly faded and she smiled.

"How many do you want?" She asked amused now.

"3," I said She nodded and went to get me some bath bombs she came back and handed me them over with a bright smile I nodded as a thank you and I scurried back to my warm bath.

I lit a few vanilla-scented candles because nat smells like vanilla and I stripped and got into my bath to relax.

I dumped my bathrooms in and watched them change the clear water to y/f/c. I relaxed for 20 minutes before I heard yelling which was quickly irritating me. I sighed and got out of my bath and wrapped a towel around myself before going downstairs.

"Can you all shut the fuck up?!" I screamed at them making the room fall silent very quickly.

"Are you in a towel y/n?-" Sam questioned.

"Yes, I was trying to get rid of my headache." I snapped. I sighed.

"Next person I hear I will not hesitate to hit. Got it?!" I said they all nodded and I went back to my now cold bath. I grumbled and just changed into comfy clothes and I layed in bed. I fell asleep quickly but then I was woken up by more yelling I had been asleep for 2 hours and they were yelling.

I got up dragging my blanket behind me and I went downstairs again. I hit everyone in the room and smiled when they were groaning and mumbling curse words. "Next time shut the fuck up" I smiled before o felt hands wrap around my waist. "Nat!" I said happy to see my girlfriend she smiled and kissed me.

"Hi Lyubov, I missed you," She said hugging me.

"I missed you more!" I kissed her again happy she was back while the others were scared of me.

Author Note:
Not proofread :)

Hope everyone is having a great day or night I love you all 3000!

-Lizzie <3

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