She's Cute Pt.2 [A/F/S]

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Warning: smut at the end
Word Count: 2601

-how did you re-meet Natasha and bucky?-

2 years ago, in late December

Y/n's Pov
I was still thinking about the couple weeks later, I shouldn't, they are married and they have a child.

Amelia had begged them to see me on Christmas and I didn't mind going over and spending half the day with her she seemed overjoyed to see me, oddly so did Natasha and bucky. But all good things come to an end, right?

I flew back over to the UK earlier today I had work on the 3rd of January and it was new year's today. I was driving home from the airport when I got a face time call from Natasha I picked it up but didn't look at the screen it was just on my phone holder. "Hey," I smiled

"Are you driving y/n/n?" Amelia inquired I let out a soft laugh.

"Yes M, I'm driving" I sighed watching the road.

"That's cool! I took mama's phone but don't tell her, she's been looking for it all morning!" The girl explained giggling. I fake gasped

"What would your mother think, calling me, your kidnapper of all people!" I joked and Amelia laughed loudly

"When are you coming back to visit? I haven't seen you since Christmas!" She whined clearly missing me.

"Aw I'm sorry M, it's going to be a while before you see me, I'm back home in the UK now" I explained I glanced at the phone and saw her sad face

"Aw! But I miss you soooo much!" Amelia explained

"How about, I come to visit you at easter? Go see if your mama and dada are okay with that" I said turning out a junction

"Mmm okay, I'll be right back!" She squealed and left the phone in her room

I smiled after 5 minutes she came back with her parents I heard them walk in but before I could say hi a car came crashing into mine, forcing me off the road and sending my car tumbling into a field. Unlucky for me, the road I was on wasn't used a lot. I blacked out but woke up again when I heard Natasha's voice, she sounded so close but... My phone got thrown out of the car, right?

"Buck, what are we gonna do?" Natasha asked lightly squeezing my hand that's when I realised I was in the hospital. I tried to sit up but a strong metal hand held me down but it wasn't a rough grip, rather a careful one.

"Don't try to move the doctors said your body needs rest and time to heal," Natasha rambled quickly "do remember the accident?" Natasha then questioned.

"I remember... How long?" I croaked out Natasha smiled sadly.

"2 weeks, it's January 13th" bucky explained rubbing my shoulder gently


"New York, the compound, Bucky and I wanted you to be in the best hands" Natasha went on to explain I nodded silently.

Between bucky rubbing my shoulder softly and Natasha squeezing my hand lightly I was getting slightly flustered. I quickly reminded myself of their daughter and relationship with each other. I looked down and my arm was in a cast, my arm was all sorts of colours bruised all over, my knee was bandaged up my ribs were the same.

"How's Amelia?" I asked hoping to take some of the attention away from me

And As if on cue Amelia came in the room with her pink backpack presumably back from school. "Y/N!" Amelia exclaimed dropping her bag and jumping onto the bed

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