Sick [A/F]

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Warnings:  just unwell If that's even a warning lol
Word Count: 1009

-Nat goes away on a 2-week mission and you get really sick-

Your Pov
I woke up really cold I wanted to hug nat but I realised she had left for her mission yesterday. I got up and went into our walk-in wardrobe, I grabbed 4 more blankets and I went back to sleep.

Wanda's Pov
Y/n didn't show up for breakfast but she's always up before anyone. I got up from the table after I finished my waffles I went up to Nat and Y/n's Room. I knocked on the door 3 times no answer. "Y/n? Everything ok??" I asked again still nothing I opened the door and y/n was layed in bed with 6 covers. Yet she was still shivering, she looked really pale and unwell.

I put my hand on her forehead and she was burning up. I woke y/n up and she didn't sound good.

"Mmmm I'm up." She groaned a little.

"Just go back to bed, I'll get you some medicine" I said. Y/n shot up.

"No I'm good," her voice told me otherwise and you know the fact she was pale and looked exhausted.

I ran back to the kitchen and grabbed Bruce off his chair "y/n is sick." I told him while I dragged him upstairs to her room.

But the room was empty her pyjamas were on the floor so we looked around the compound for an hour before finding her in the training room.

"Y/n!" I yelled at her from across the room she was sparring with Clint.

"Fuck Off" y/n groaned annoyed.

"No, your sick," I said She glared.

"I am not sick." She muttered. Clint looked at me and my eyes glowed red he backed away from y/n.

"Traitor." She yelled at Clint who was grabbing his things.

"You need to rest," I said grabbing her with my powers. I took her back to her room and put her in bed.

"Wanda. I don't get sick so stop it." Y/n glared but she doesn't scare me.

I left for 5 minutes to get Bruce when we got back there was a sticky note.

'Fuck you Wanda. I'm not sick'

I groaned "FRIDAY track y/n please." I said.

"My apologies miss Maximoff, it seems I cannot Miss L/n's whereabouts remain unknown."

"Shit" I forgot she was a trained spy.

'Team Meeting Now.' I texted everyone but Nat and Y/n were left out.

I was at the top of the table and everyone piled in.  Steve, Clint, vision, Bruce, Tony, Thor, Loki, Peter, Pietro and even pepper. Sam and Bucky were with Nat.

"What's up Wanda?" My brother asked leaning against the wall.

"Y/n," I said everyone perked up. "She's gone rogue whilst being sick," I explained.

"So what do we need to do, your the boss" Steve said concerned

"First off No Telling nat, she cares about y/n and she'd fly home if y/n had a paper cut. Secondly, we track y/n down. Tie her up If needed and help her get better." Everyone agreed and split up.

Within the hour we had eyes on y/n. She was sitting with Fury and he looked like he was telling her off she shrugged. I stormed over and threw handcuffs on her."Kinky" She muttered I glared.

"Nat will kill us all if she finds out you've been training and running around sick," I said dragging her away.

"Nah. Natty is fineeeee" She then had a coughing fit proving my point.

We locked y/n in a cell for a bit so we could work out a plan for who would watch her and things like that.

We were talking when y/ns phone rang. "Nat," Steve said worriedly.

"Let it ring," I said everyone let the phone ring 21 times.

"Mr stark Miss Romanoff is on the line" FRIDAY informed Tony sighed.

"Patch her in" Tony muttered

"Tony why the fuck is y/n not answering the phone What's wrong," Natasha said angrily. The worry was there.

"Um, I Don't know she's been upstairs working all day" Tony lied Natasha wasn't having it.

"Take the phone to y/n then." She demanded I shook my head.

"Can't, y/n said no disruptions." I facepalmed nat would never believe this.

"Sam and Bucky can handle this. I'm coming home" Nat said hanging up I sighed.

"Smart move." I groaned then there was an explosion.

"FUCK YOU WANDA!!" y/n said from the PA system I got up and so did Pietro he came back with y/n in hand. She was sneezing and coughing.

"Fuck you still. vision come fuck Wanda will ya? Be a lad." We took y/n to bed and had to force the medicines down her throat. Then we tied her down.
Just then Natasha came into the room

"nattttt, look they are bullying me" y/n pouted upset nat glared and we left the room quickly.

Natasha's Pov
"I knew you lied about being ok yesterday on the phone," I muttered she looked down

"I never get sick" She pouted tugging at the restraints the others had to tie her down. Dickheads.

"I'll untie you but I swear if you so much as move a hair I will re-tie you with less movement. You know I can." She noded afraid to speak.

I carefully untied her and I sat her on the sofa so I could make the bed comfortable for her. Then I picked her up and tucked her in.

"Chocolate or Strawberry Ice Cream?" I asked

"Both?" She croaked out I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"You're still burning up. I'll get Bruce and your ice cream." I got up and left to find Bruce exactly where I needed him in the kitchen.

"Bruce upstairs with me please" Bruce followed me up after I got the ice cream ready.

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