Chapter One

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3rd POV

Katherine and Elena sat at a table in the Mystic Grill, Elijah and his family sat away from them. Elena was trying to find a weakness and had sought out Katherine for help.

"What can I do for you, Gilbert?" Katherine asked. She could feel the Mikaelsons gaze on her, it made her feel fear and uncomfortable. Elena shook her head, standing. "You asked me here. Not your desired audience?" She asked, nodding to the family who were listening intently.

"I thought you could tell me more about the Pertrova line. Let's go on a walk." Elena offered, grabbing her jacket, it was a chilly November night. Damon and Stefan had no idea she was here with Katherine. Katherine raised an eyebrow at her look alike and nodded. She could tell this wasn't what the girl wished to talk about. Maybe she didn't anticipate the family of Originals being at the same bar that they had agreed to meet at.

Katherine followed Elena out and kept her eyes away from the family as they watched them leave. Feeling their eyes following two girls as they leave. Suspicion filling the air.

"So what did you really want to know?" Katherine asked once they were a good distance away and she assured that no one had followed them. Elena sighed.

"I want to work together. Find a weakness within the family. We need to rid Mystic Falls of the Mikaelsons." She declared. Katherine looked at her shocked. Maybe even a bit impressed at the puny humans brave tactics. "Isn't there anything that we could use against them?" She asked. Katherine shook her head, pausing.

"There is always the legend." She offered her but then shook her head again. "It's a long shot, we don't even know if its real. Or if she's alive." Elena looked at Katherine, confusion and shock.

"She? Who is She?" She questioned. Katherine sighed as they walked. It seemed they were headed to the Boarding house. Maybe Elena didn't trust Katherine as much as she played at.

"Her name was Aurora Rose."

"Like from the fairytale? Sleeping Beauty?" Elena questioned. Katherine rolled her eyes at Elena's stupidity.

"Haven't you figured out that most fairytales are based off of real life events?" She told her. Elena raised her brow at her, urging her to continue. "Elijah isn't just the Noble one of the Originals. He's the Noble Prince. Before they were cursed, Elijah was in love. Aurora Rose was his one and only true love. They had planned to marry. They would have too. But then-"

"Esther happened?" Elena asked. Katherine nodded.

"Esther didn't like her son falling for the girl. She was an abomination to nature in her eyes." Elena looked at Katherine confused. Her eyebrows knitting together to show it. "She was the first Siphoner. A witch who drew her magic from others. Esther saw her as a mistake of nature and when her son showed his devotion to the creature she made it stop."

"What did she do?" Elena asked. "Tatia.." Elena put together. She remembered hearing about the feud between the Noble brother and the hybrid. Katherine nodded.

"Esther made Tatia pull Elijah away from Aurora. He was basically baited. But Esther didn't realize her other son was in love with this girl."

"And that led to them being cursed and drinking her blood." Elena finished. Katherine nodded.

"Yes. Elijah was turned. He woke up from the little spell Esther had placed on him when he woke up after death. She didn't expect him to. This is why he showed so little trust in her before. She never had his trust." Katherine took a breath. "He went back to Aurora. She was naive enough to accept him for what he was. She loved him. I mean he is the noble one."

"What happened after?" Elena felt almost bad for Elijah. He seemed to be so tortured and now she was understanding his story more. Why he was so unsure of his mother.

"Esther happened. Again. Aurora was able to siphone from Elijah now. So she had endless power. Before she didn't have much to use, now she was nearly as powerful as Esther herself. And Elijah loved her so much. He was going to turn her so they could be together forever. But Esther wasn't having it. She cursed Aurora the night Elijah declared his loyalty to the girl. Cursed her to sleep an endless eternal nightmare induced sleep."

"Couldn't Elijah wake her up? Like the books say?" Elena asked as they saw the Boarding house in view.

"He could have, but Esther hid Aurora. Moving her around, locked away from him."

"But Esther is gone now. He could look for her and wake her." Elena offered. Katherine shook her head.

"Rumor has it that Esther has been using people to continue to move her around. When Klaus was looking for me, I overheard that Elijah was still looking for her. Now though- I think he has given up."

"Bu-but he can't! He can't just give up!! What about Aurora?! She's living a nightmare. She's been asleep for a thousand years!" Elena exclaimed. She couldn't believe Elijah would just give up. Katherine chuckled.

"Never pegged you as a romantic, Gilbert." Elena rolled her eyes as Damon came out of the house, glaring at Katherine.

"What are you doing with the evil one?" Damon asked with a smirk. Katherine rolled her eyes.

"She's the one who seeked me out." She said, stepping back as Damon pulled Elena away from her. "Don't worry, I'm on your side for once."

"Oh are you? And what have you two bonded over?" Damon questioned.

"Have you heard of Aurora Rose?" Elena asked Damon. Damon's eyebrows met in the middle, confused.

"The story book?" Katherine snorted at him.

"Everyone is so gullible. Story's are usually real, Damon. You should know that." Damon shook his head.

"Come in, explain." He muttered, opening the door for the two look alikes. Elena slid into the house and watched as Katherine came in as well. As Damon closed the door, someone watched from a distance. A suit on as he adjusted his cuffs, before speeding away.

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