Chapter Five

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3rd POV-

Elijah woke up to seeing Klaus standing over him.

"Rough reunion, brother?" He joked with a smirk. Elijah got up quickly and threw Klaus against the basement wall.

"Where is she?!" He demanded. He didn't remember much. Just kissing her softly, her eyes opening and then total darkness. Someone snapped his neck. But who? Klaus grimaced.

"I didn't do anything. I came down here since you were taking a bit and you were on the ground. Aurora was gone." He admitted. It was true. Klaus gave his brother an hour to reunite with his forbidden lover, but grew concerned when Elijah never returned. Finding him unconscious on the basement floor with a broken neck and the glass case empty was a shock. "Maybe she holds some sort of Vendetta against you, brother?" Klaus cracked at a joke. Elijah glared at him before stepping back.

"She's awake. She had no grudge on me, unless mother did something. We need to find her. She's not used to this new world, she could get hurt-" Elijah was going off into a slight rant. His worry for his love grew with the anxiety of the new world.

"I don't think she is a damsel in distress brother." Klaus said calmly. He watched Elijah pace slightly, worry growing on his facial expression. "She did snap your neck without you even knowing. I don't recall her being so strong. Did Mother do something to her before laying her to rest?" He asked. Elijah paused his pacing, tilting his head in thought. It would be a way for his mother to try and separate them still. She had to have known he would find her eventually. Maybe she had a plan. Elijah looked to his brother. Klaus stepped towards him carefully, placing a hand on his shoulder. "We'll find her. I give you my word, brother." Klaus declared. Elijah nodded.

"She couldn't have gone far. I can sense her. She has no power unless she siphons from someone else. Even if she did do that to me before leaving she wouldn't make it a mere few miles." Elijah decided. Klaus nodded as they both sped up the stairs and out the front door. Sniffing her out like animals tracking their next feast.

Miles away, Aurora made it into town. It looked different from what she could remember. No dirt roads, less trees and more buildings. These buildings were even built differently. She admired the beauty of them as she walked into one. She had just walked into a clothing store. Which was good since she was in clothes older than the buildings themselves. Her gown was tattered and dirty, not just from the running but from sitting in a case for so long. She was curious how long she was asleep. It felt like so long, the nightmares replaying in her head of her slaughtering her lover and his family. Ripping their heads off and throwing them into fires.

She slammed her eyes shut, pushing the images back into the depths of her mind as she glanced around. The clothes were less fabric these days. She noticed woman walking around in tight clothes that showed much skin, it sort of alarmed her. But she could work with it. Aurora smiled as she saw a pair of pants made of some leather that she had never seen before. It was stretchy and a bit shiny. The top she picked out was tight and black. A good way to be able to move with ease. She took the fabrics to a changing area and changed quickly, finding it hard to pull the pants on, but finding them comfy and secure. As she goes to leave the store when a man yells at her.

"Hey! You gotta pay for that stuff! Miss!" He shouted, running after her. Aurora turned to him when he grabbed her arm, throwing a neck snapping punch to his face. A sickening crack echoed as he fell to the ground. Thankfully, no one was around so she left the store.

An hour later Elijah and Klaus came into the store, smelling her there at one point. Spotting the dead man on the ground, Elijah knelt down to check for a pulse. Klaus made a clicking sound with his mouth.

"Seems your lover is going around killing the town." Elijah snapped his gaze up at him and glared. Klaus held his hands up to show he means no harm. "So what now, brother?" Elijah stood up and fixed his cuffs. A nervous habit of his.

"We find her, catch her and lock her up until we figure out what is happening to her." He answered. Klaus sighed, he felt bad for his brother. Their mother always trying to control their lives in some way. In the beginning it was mostly just Elijah with Aurora, then the curse which turned out to be more because of Elijah than they knew. Klaus was the one who was always on their father's shit list, but Elijah was always put to fail their mothers expectations.

"Then let's go." Klaus told him, letting him lead the way out.

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