Chapter Eleven

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"Are we sure this is going to work?" Freya asked as she sat on the floor with the Bennett witch and Kol. Davina was grabbing the necessary books and herbs to help out. "If this doesn't work..." She started.

"This is going to work." Kol told her. He looked over to Davina as she came into the room. "So how are we doing this? It's different now right? Since you can't exactly do it the same way as you did with me...right?" He questioned his witch. She nodded.

"I found a new way. It's riskier. Someone has to go with her. Grab her. Get out." Davina explained. She looked around. "So who's volunteering?" She asked.

"I will." Kol automatically offered. "I'm closer to her than you guys. And Elijah is not in any form okay with being able to do this. So I will." Davina looked ready to protest but Kol shut her down quickly. "So what happens?" Davina sighed, grabbing a goblet she had made a mixture in and handing it to him.

"You drink this. It'll basically knock you out of your body and give you the capability to grab her." Davina told him. "We're your anchor. If the Ancestors are really against this Aurora girl...They will try to stop us. So be quick. Grab her, shove her back into her body and get out." She added. Her eyes growing soft. "I've never done this, Kol. Be careful." She told him. Kol nodded.

"The barrier is down." Bonnie said as she  opened her eyes to look at Elijah. He had volunteered to kill Aurora. If she was going to die, it would be at his hand.

"Are you sure you can do this, Brother? Someone else can do it. You shouldn't have to be the one.." Rebekah asked. She had offered a few times to do it. Not that she didn't like Aurora, she never really got a chance to meet her. Esther made sure to keep her only daughter away from the abomination. She wanted to meet her now though. Seeing the look in her brothers eyes showed how much this girl meant to him.

"No. I'll do it. I have to." Elijah told her. She sighed and nodded, watching as Elijah took the knife and walked into the parlor. Klaus sat next to Aurora, he had moved her to the couch once again. Elijah looked back at Kol and nodded. Elijah held the knife over Aurora's heart as Kol drinks the goblet. Right before Elijah met the knife to Aurora's chest her eyes snapped open.

"Elijah-" She spoke as he paused. The slightest hesitation reaching his eyes as he met her bright blue eyes.

"NO!" Davina screamed as she held onto Kol with the rest of the witches. Klaus came over and slammed the knife into Aurora's chest quickly. Not giving Elijah a moment to think.

Aurora gasped, her eyes staring into Elijah's wide brown eyes.

" no no no.." Elijah muttered, grabbing Aurora's body as the brightness faded from her eyes. He grabbed the knife and removed it from her chest as he hugged her body to his chest. Everyone watched from afar. Watching the noble vampire break down at the thought of truly losing his forbidden lover. Klaus stood up, standing back. He's never seen his brother broken like this and he didn't know what to do. Even when Elijah couldnt find the Sleeping Beauty, he hadn't of been this destroyed over it. He was his calm and as usual put together self. But now..

Minutes passed. Nothing had changed. Kol was still unconscious and presumably on the other side. Aurora's body was squeezed to Elijah's body tightly.

"He's taking too long." Bonnie declared, peeling her eyes away from the devastated vampire. Tears in her eyes as she could nearly feel his pain. "Something must have happened."

"Come on Kol." Klaus growled out, his eyes moving to his brothers body. Marks appearing on his skin.

"They are fighting him." Davina told them. Her voice shaky.

"It's already been pass a minute. She won't come back. He's got to come back. Now." Bonnie repeated to Davina.

"No. He's going to bring her back. He wouldn't leave her there." Rebekah told them all. Everyone looked at her a bit confused. "Kol was extremely close to Aurora from what I heard. He never stopped talking of her. She was the only one who didn't judge his psycho side. If she doesn't come back, he won't either. I know my brother." She told them. Her eyes moved to Elijah, seeing his reaction to how close his young brother was to his lover. He had no idea they were that close. Did Kol have feelings for Aurora?

He pulled back slightly from Aurora and brushed her hair out of her face. Thoughts of whether she would make it and if she does, would she be the same as she was before the curse? Would she be different? Did she have feelings for his young brother as well? Would she still love him as he loves her?

Davina screamed, breaking the silence. A large gash appeared on her hand that was holding Kol's hand.

"Don't let go! They are trying to make you let him go." Freya told her as she gripped Davina's other hand tightly. Bonnie, Freya and Davina all had a hand on Kol. Three anchors. The Ancestors were already lashing out at Davina. Trying to get her to let go. Next was Bonnie. Her nose was bleeding, eyes black frkm the expression magic she was using and then she fell backwards, releasing Kol. Unconscious.

"No! Bonnie!" Davina shouted. Tears streaming down her eyes. She didnt know the witch at all, but she didnt treat Davina different like her supposive family had.

"Focus." Freya told the younger witch. "Breath. She'll be okay." She said, calming the witch. She nodded.

A loud gasp echoed throughout the room. Bringing all attention to the person who had awoken.


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