Chapter Twelve

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"No.." Elijah whispered, laying Aurora down on the couch to see his brother awake. Kol sat up, wincing from the pain. "What happened?!" He exclaimed, speeding over and grabbing his brothers shoulders. Kol met his eyes, tears flooding out of them as he felt the mental pain of losing his best friend.

"Woah.." Kol whispered as he left his body. Looking around, he saw he was in the Boarding House still, thankfully the spell kept him near his body unlike that weird ring Alaric and Jeremy wore. The atmosphere was eery. The air thick and made it hard to breath. He looked down to see the Witches holding his body. A soft glow on his chest. "Should of asked how I was supposed to go back."  He muttered, looking at the soft glowing orb hovering over his chest.

"Kol?" He snapped his gaze to the parlor, Aurora standing there, confused. Kol grinned and ran over to her quickly, hugging her tightly.

"Rory! Oh thank god this is easier than I thought it would be." He sighed. When he pulled back from her the room changed. "Wait.." He let her go, holding her hand tightly. "No."

"You spoke way to soon.." She whispered, looking around the new area.

"Where are we?" Kol asked, confused at the clearing they had appeared in. Aurora looked over at him, a sign of being insulted written all over her face.

"Really? You don't remember our safe spot? Where you always found me after Rodrick would-" She trailed off, closing her eyes as she tried to wipe the images from her mind. Kol's eyes widened in realization. Looking around in amazement.

"No way!" He looked excited.

"How do we get back?" Aurora asked. Kol seemed to snap out of his daze as he saw someone standing in the distance in front of them.

"Follow her? Maybe?" Kol offered. He had no idea, but following the creepy figure was always an option.

"Sounds like a dumb plan. You haven't changed a bit, have you?" Aurora teased. Kol shoved her lightly while laughing. His hand still tightly holding hers.

"Be nice." He warned. They both started to walk, following the person through the forest. Sounds echoing throughout the trees. Kol didn't seem to hear them. But Aurora did.

"Kol...." She whispered, her hand tightening around his hand. She was afraid.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"You don't hear that?" She asked as they walked. The trees were getting thicker, closing in on them. Kol looked around, noticing the surroundings more than the noise.

"Hear what? Why are the trees getting thicker?" He questioned. Aurora looked around as a woman appeared in front of them. She grabbed Kol's arm, burning him. He let out an odd screeching sound as Aurora used her magic to throw the woman away.

"Are you okay?!" She asked, the panic in her voice thick. Kol nodded as he looked at his arm. The burn turning into a bruise. "Let's get out of here." She told him as they started to run.

More woman appeared, just grabbing Kol and leaving weird bruise like marks on him. They could see the boarding house in the distance. The person that was leading them was at the door, waiting for them.

"They are trying to get me to let you go." Kol hissed as another woman had grabbed him. "GET OFF!" He shouted at the woman. She flew off of him from his shout.

"Kol..-" Aurora started.

"No. I'm not letting you go."

"No- Kol." Aurora said as he turned back to look at her. Esther had her arms wrapped tightly around Aurora's body. Preventing her from moving any further.

"Let her go!" Kol exclaimed. His hand stayed in Aurora's, but his mother didn't move. She lifted her face to look at him, making Kol flinch. Esther's face was not Esther's face. Her skin was peeling away, decaying. She looked the part of dead mother. Her eyes carved out and X's in their place. "What the-"

"Kol... She's cursed. I'm not going to get out of this..." Aurora told him. He shook his head no, frantic, but he couldn't look away from his mother. "Kol, look at me. Not her." Kol moved his eyes slowly to look at Aurora. "She has thousands of witches in her. I will not be able to get out of this."

"No..No." Kol mumbled, shaking his head no.

"Kol, focus on me. I need you to tell Elijah I love him. Tell him you did everything you could." Aurora started as she let out a small scream. Her skin was burning. It was like Esther's body was burning hers, like it was turning into acid.

"No! Aurora, you have to fight." Kol told her. "I'm not leaving you."

"Yes you are. You have to go back. They all need you more than me. Take care of your family." She told him, tears in not only her eyes, but Kol's.

"Rory...please." Kol begged. Witches started to appear around them. They were here to drag Aurora away. Basically drag her to hell.

"Kol.. You were always my best friend. The brother I wish I always had." Aurora told him. Her voice shaky but she was trying to remain calm. She was in so much pain. "And Thank you. I know you were the one who took out Rodrick. Thank you." She told him. Kol let out a forced breath that was trying to pretend it was a laugh.

"I love you, Rory." Kol spoke softly, yet desperately. Aurora smiled at him. Her blue eyes shining with the tears in them.

"I love you too, Kol." She responded. It wasn't the same way that Kol felt for her, but he would accept it. He knew she was meant for Elijah. He was okay with that. "Goodbye, Kol." She whispered as she released his hand and a bright light rang out.

"I'm so sorry." Kol spoke. That was all it took for Elijah to crash to the floor onto his knees. His noble act proving to be just that. An Act.

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