Chapter Seven

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3rd POV-

"So what do we do now?" Damon asked after they had placed Aurora into the cell in the Salvatore Boarding House. Elijah had placed her gently on the bed and placed a blanket over her. His dead heart was shaking at any thought of his love being in pain or any sort of discomfort. Now he stood outside the door of the cell, peeking through the bars of the window. Watching her chest rise and fall, her eyes twitching behind her closed lids and sweat glistening on her pale complexion. Showing him just how human she still was.

"What do you mean?" Klaus asked as he watched his brother. He could tell he was zoned only on his love and not paying a thought to anyone who was still there. He turned to look at the Salvatore brothers, Damon twirling a stake around as Stefan just had his arms crossed as he also watched Elijah with a curious look.

"Well, She killed Katherine. With ease might I add. Shouldn't we- You know-" He used the stake to show staking someone. It didn't take long for Damon to be shoved into the basement wall and held in the air by his throat. The stake he had was shoved into his right side, right next to his heart. Damon grunted from the shock and pain. Elijah's face showed the most aggression he had showed since trying to kill Klaus so many years ago.

"You will not harm her." He stated clearly. His eyes narrowed in a threatening matter. Damon choked out an okay, anything to get away from the original. Slowly, Elijah let Damon go and took a step back, letting Damon drop to the ground. Stefan just watched his brother remove the stake himself, Damon sending him a sarcastic thanks for the help with his eyes."We have no clue what my mother has done to her, so we get some witches to try and fix her." Klaus walked up to his brother, placing is hand on his shoulder.

"We will do whatever we can, brother." Stefan looked at Klaus a bit shocked. Klaus wasn't known to help someone, even family, without something in return. Even when he told Elijah where their family was, he had daggered him to get him out of the way.

"I'll get Bonnie." Damon said in a raspy tone. He moved away from the two originals, not wanting to piss them off anymore, Stefan following him out.

"Elijah?" A voice whispered softly. Fear and confusion evident in the voice. Klaus and Elijah moved quickly to the cell door, looking at the little window to see Aurora awake and looking around. Her blue eyes seemingly glowing with confusion. "Elijah??" She repeated. Elijah made a move to open the door, he had the need to go to her, to comfort her. Even after so many years without her, he still felt the love and pull to her. But a hand was placed on his, stopping him. His head turned to look into his brothers eyes, confused.

"Brother, until we know what has happened to her, we shouldn't risk opening the door." He told him. Elijah knew Klaus was right. Releasing the door handle, his hands made fists at his side. The restraint was noticed by Klaus instantly. When they looked up, Aurora was standing in front of the little window, peering out. Her bright blue eyes pulling Elijah closer.

"Elijah...What is this? Where are we? Why am I locked up?" She questioned, bringing her hands to the bars separating them from one another.

"Do you remember what happened, Aurora?" Klaus asked pulling her attention from her lover to his brother. He was wondering if she truly did not remember or if she was trying to distract them, play them in a sense. Her brows knitted together, showing she had no clue what he meant.

"Are you hungry?" Elijah asked when it showed she wasn't going to respond to Klaus. She nodded her head. Klaus pulled out a blood bag, He was testing a little theory of his. The strength she showed earlier, she couldn't be human. The only thing he could think of off the spot was a vampire. But she had a heartbeat, he could hear her blood pumping through her heart and spreading through her lean body. She couldn't be a wolf sense he usually could sense that pretty easily. Not to mention he had never heard of someone being turned into a wolf from some magical spell. Elijah looked at Klaus, confused. "She's not a vampire." He snapped, which shocked Klaus. Elijah was not one to jump at people, especially family.

"It's just a theory, brother. How else do you explain how she killed Katerina?" Elijah closed his eyes, letting out a breath, before moving to the side. Klaus brought the blood bag up to the little window and held it to Aurora. She stared at it, confused.

"I can't eat that. I'm not one of you.." She muttered, trailing off like she came to so realization, stepping back slightly. But her eyes never left the blood. The dark red liquid seemed to warm in Klaus's hand, before exploding. Blood splattering all over. Klaus held his hand up in surrender, a bit shocked that she made that happen from behind a closed door.

"What are you siphoning from?" Elijah asked, his eyes narrowed on Aurora. Klaus snapped his eyes to him, confused before he put two and two together. Aurora was a Siphone. She can only perform magic when she takes it from something or one else. There was obviously no magic in her cell with her. Klaus turned his attention back to Aurora, watching as she backed away from the door completely. A soft rumble could be heard as Klaus quickly grabbed Elijah and pulled him out of the way as the door fell over. Dust filling the air making it nearly impossible to see.

Within seconds, Aurora was in front of Klaus, her blue eyes narrowed as she met his gaze. Klaus moved quickly, poking her arm without her noticing, letting a few beads of blood flow into a vial he had hidden. It confused him that she didnt seem to notice. He thanked god he was a vampire and moved quickly.

"Don't let him come for me." She demanded and then she was gone.

"What the hell happened?!" Damon shouted as he came down the stairs and saw the door on the ground and both originals on the ground.

"I don't know. But I'm going to find out." Klaus stated, standing up as he held up the small vial of blood. It wasn't the same blood that pumped through any regular human though. No, hers was black. Like sludge. "Take this to the Bennett witch. See what she can figure out." He ordered, handing the vial to Damon.

"What are you going to do?" He asked as Elijah stood up, dusting off his suit.

"We're going to go find Sleeping Beauty." Elijah responded as him and Klaus sped off.

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