Chapter Two

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"So let me get this straight." Damon started, still not wrapping his head around this new information. "Elijah has a forbidden love that Mommy Dearest cursed to sleep forever?" Katherine nodded, annoyed she had to explain the story more than once. Damon growled and sped over to Katherine, holding her throat as he held her off the floor and against the wall. "And why should we believe you?" Katherine grabbed his wrist, trying to get him to release her.

"Because it's the truth." She choked out. Within seconds, Damon was thrown off of Katherine, landing on the floor with a grunt.

"What she has said is the truth." Elijah announced as he dusted his blazer off. He glanced to Elena who looked guilty. Damon stood up as Stefan joined him, standing in front of Elena, protectively. "I am not going to attack. Relax." Elijah muttered.

"Then why are you here?" Stefan questioned. Elijah glanced behind him to see Katherine still on the floor.

"I followed Katerina to make sure she wasn't going to hurt Ms. Gilbert." He admitted. "Although, I didn't expect Elena to try and find a weakness in my family." He moved his gaze to Elena, who looked down. "Did you receive the information you wished for?" He asked.

"Why did you stop?" Elena asked as she brought her sight back to him. Eyeing him with slight anger. "Why would you abandon your supposive love?" Elijah's eyes narrowed, showing the held back anger.

"I don't believe this is your business."

"So it's really true? The Noble one abandoned his lover. Left her to suffer for all of eternity." Damon snarked lifting his eyebrows for a more dramatic effect. Elijah flew at him fast, breaking a chair leg on his way to him and shoving it through his stomach. Damon let out a pained grunt.

"Don't. I did not abandon Aurora." Elijah seethed.

"But you quit looking for her, didn't you?" Elena asked. She was really being brave tonight. Meeting up with Katherine alone and now this. Elijah released Damon and turned to look at Elena. His eyes were angry yet a sadness was floating around like a ghost.

"Never." He whispered. His tone was calm, but Elena could see he was holding it together the best he could. "Klaus has mentioned knowing where she is. That's the only reason I haven't left." Elena sighed.

"How can we help?" She asked, earning a snort from Damon and a shocked look from Stefan.

"Yeah, no. Not happening Elena." Damon muttered as he stood after removing the chair leg and healing. Katherine looked at Elena shocked at her. She didn't think a mere human would be offering to help the big bad original find his lover. Elena turned and glared at Damon.

"If we help, he will leave. Right?" She asked as she looked back to Elijah. He was in shock.

"I'll personally drag my family out of your lives. You have my word." He answered. A small smile was spreading on his lips. Was he really going to find his love at last? So many years have gone by.

"So what's the plan? How are you planning on getting Klaus to tell us the location of Sleeping Beauty? He's not just going to hand it over once you ask nicely." Damon remarked sarcastically. Elena rolled her eyes.

"I'm going to make him a deal he can't refuse."

"No. You can't do that." Stefan demanded. He knew the deal she thought of. Elena shook her head.

"No. You both can't stop me. This will protect all of us."

"What is your plan?" Katherine asked as she came over with a glass of Damon's expensive bourbon.

"I'm going to offer him monthly blood for exchange of the location of Aurora." She turned to Elijah. "Do you think he'll accept?" Elijah stared at Elena.

"Yes, I believe he would do just about anything for that kind of deal. But it might be harder to get him to leave then." He responded. Elena shook her head.

"Once a month he can have someone come by to pickup a supply of my blood. It's the perfect deal."

"It could work. Elena can live a decently normal life as a monthly blood bag. But you could be happy. Elijah will get his forbidden love and we get an original free home." Damon admitted. He was reluctant to allow this to happen. His love for the doppleganger was strong and he just wanted her to live a long happy life.

"So that's it then. It's settled. Elena becomes a blood bag for Elijah to be reunited with his old love. Let's go make a deal." Katherine smirked. She was excited to get this done. She feels invested in this story now. She wanted to see Elijah meet his lover, See Klaus leave town for good. She'll be just as free as Elena would be. Everyone would be happy.

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