Chapter Six

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Aurora's POV-

I could sense all the Vampires in this town. It hurt. I don't want this.

I walked down the street, looking around, my eyes zoom in on a little pub looking place called the Mystic Grill. My head was buzzing. My senses all over the place. As I walked into the little pub like place, I looked around. I automatically spot four Vampires and a werewolf. I froze as someone walks by me. She was a vampire, but she looked...

"Tatia?" I questioned, grabbing her arm. The girl gave me a disgusted look and ripped her arm away from me.

"Don't touch me." She demanded. My vision blurred a bit from the buzzing in my head. There was voices. Telling me- no demanding me to slaughter her. I grab her by her throat, tightly. She's taken by surprise. By my strength or that I grabbed her, I wasn't sure. My head tilted to the side some as I thrusted my hand into her chest, feeling her dead heart in my hand. She let out a loud gasp as she try's to get out of my hold. I felt someone come up behind me, about to grab me. Quickly, I removed her heart and used her body to hit the person behind me.

People screamed. I heard the screams. I did. But the voices were so much louder. 

Kill the Vampires.

I turned around as I saw a guy with black hair come at me. The guy I hit with the girls dead body, he was a brunette, got up to come back at me. I moved quick, grabbing the black haired guys head and snapping his neck, letting him drop. I ducked as the brunette jumped at me. A blonde girl got up to help, but stopped, grabbing some people and speeding out. The werewolf stared in awe as he also ran out of there with a few people. Smart.

I shoved my hand through the burnettes chest. His heart in my hand. Someone came running into the pub.

"Aurora." I heard the new person say behind me. I froze. No. He can't be here.

Kill him.

"No." I muttered, trying to fight the voices. I released the guys heart and removed my hand, making him gasp out. My bloody hands went to my head. "No no no. Stop." I whispered.


"NO! Please no." My voice was coming out in pants, my hands pulling at my hair and scratching at my face. Someone walked over to me as I dropped to my knees, trying to calm the voices.

"Aurora?" I looked up to see Elijah. I jumped back, landing on my butt.

"N-no- get back- please." I whispered, trying to get away from him. His eyes held such concern for me. "I dont want to hurt you....please.." I whimpered out.

"This is Aurora?!" Someone yelled. I jumped to my feet at the voice. Turning to see the black haired vampire up again. He stood by the other one who stayed back. My eyes looked around the place frantically. Seeing the dead body of the vampire I had already killed. Her face grey and veiny, but she still looked like Tatia. I knelt down by her, tears in my eyes.

"No no no no. What did I do. Tatia..." I whispered, cradling her head in my lap. She looked just like Tatia. She had to be my sister. But how was she alive then? Elijah's mother killed her. She was an unnecessary sacarfice. But she looked like her. Why...

Someone knelt beside me, placing his hand on my shoulder making me flinch at the contact.

"This isn't Tatia, Aurora." I pulled away from him, scared.

Kill him. Abomination.

The voices were pushing back into my mind. It felt like someone was hammering a nail into the right quadrant of my brain.

"N-no, don't touch me!!" I screamed.


I squeezed my eyes shut as I tried to quiet the voice. Flashes of the dreams running by my vision. Images of me ripping Elijah's heart out, or decapitating him. There was so many ways I have killed him. Is this a dream too? Did I wake up? I opened my eyes to see Elijah looking at me, hurt and concerned. The two unknown Vampires looked ready to fight if need be. Then I saw Elijah's brother, NiKlaus. He was never in my dreams. I can't be dreaming. Why is he here? In my dreams Mikael had killed him... Did he not?

"N-nik?" I questioned, my eyebrows knitting together confused. He tilted his head at me. "This isn't a dream?" I asked. He knelt down in front of me.

"No, Rory. You're awake." He told me as he reached out, then everything went dark.

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