Chapter Thirteen

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Aurora's POV-

A bright light flashed out as Kol disappeared from in front of her. Tears flooding out of her eyes at the thought of never seeing her best friend or love ever again. Esther's arms tightened around her as the other witches grew closer. Surrounding her, taking all the air she needed to stay on this plane. Until suddenly, Esther was gone. The witches, Gone. Aurora opened her eyes slowly, her heart clenching at the sight in front of her.

"Tatia?" She whispered. Her eyes glistening from the unshed tears that still threaten to fall.

"Hello Rory.." The young woman smiled at her sister. Aurora didn't know what else to do, she launched herself at Tatia, hugging her to her tightly.

"How? Why? How are you here?" Aurora asked, not wanting to release her dead sister. Tatia let out a small giggle, hugging her sister back just as tightly.

"The witches were mad at Esther for sacrificing a human for her family to live. So they are more than happy to help me when I ask." She explained. Aurora pulled out of the hug and looked at her sister confused.

"But how are you here? You've been dead for so long.."

"I was on the other side for a while, until that collapsed. But for some reason I'm still here. I assume its because you were going to show up eventually. Who would have thought, that I, would be saving you." Aurora laughed and rolled her eyes at her sister. "Your life is not over yet, Rory. The Ancestors have seen this from my view. They have let Esther torture you for her own sake. Trying to keep you away from her son all because of the type of witch you are. They are truly ashamed." Aurora looked even more confused now.

"But the witches that were trying to take me...?"

"Those were not witches. Those were the ones that have been killed by Elijah and his family since you've been asleep. They wanted to prevent you from returning. They had believed it would lead to the death of at least one of the Originals. But alas, your love is far too strong. I wish I could have seen it when I was alive. I would have never of gotten between you two. For that, I am truly sorry, sister." Tatia apologized sincerely. Her eyes brighten as Aurora smiled at her.

"It wasn't your fault, Tatia. Esther was ruthless. Using you for her scheme just proves that." Tatia smiled at her sister. Hugging her tightly once more.

"You must return to Elijah. You've been gone far too long." Aurora felt panic run through her, which Tatia calmed with a single touch to her cheek. "It's okay. Your need to kill is gone. Elijah and you are now protected."  A tear fell slowly from Aurora's eyes.

"I'm going to miss you, Tatia." She told her little sister. The girl who stood before her, that once was her young naive sister, was now so mature. She knew she would always have her hovering over her shoulder in the best way possible.

"Come." She whispered, grabbing Aurora's hand and leading her into the house. It was calm. Silent. No voices. No echos of nightmares. Just a peaceful calm. "When you touch your body, you'll wake back up on the other side. Elijah is waiting for you. Kol is as well. Go and live the life you have always deserved, Rory." Tatia told her sister, letting her hand go as she watched Aurora walk over to her body, looking over her shoulder once more to smile at her sister before touching her body. A bright white light enveloping her.

My eyes snapped open as I gasp for air. The sound of a glass shattering as footsteps are heard. The air trying to force its way into my lungs hurt before it calmed.

"Oh thank god." I heard someone mutter. I quickly moved my head to the side to see a man. Blue eyes, dark hair. I know him. Or I think I did. He stood in the doorway, studying me. "You're not going to try to kill me again are you?" Thats why he seemed familiar. I had met him when I was a different version of me. I shook my head at him slowly. He smirked. "Good. Are you able to stand?" He questioned. I moved to stand up, but my legs weren't having it. The man moved quickly, catching me in his arms.

"You're a vampire." I stated in a raspy voice. He tilted his head at me, confusion spreading across his face.

"You don't remember, do you?" I shook my head making him sigh. "My name is Damon Salvatore. I helped Elijah find you and try to save you." He explained. My heart raced at the mention of Elijahs name.

"Elijah.... Where is he??" I questioned, pushing my way out of his arms.

"That's the thing. I don't know. Elijah ran off on a killing spree in the next town over, but after that I have no idea. You've been out for a day or so." I looked at him even more confused.

"Time was different where I was. I have to find Elijah." Damon huffed at me.

"Why does this feel so much like a Twilight moment?" He rolled his eyes. I gave him a weird look. Not knowing what this twilight thing is. "Doesn't matter. I guess I will help you find Elijah. His humanity was switched off. You smell more human than you were. Don't want you getting yourself killed trying to stop a raging beast." He joked. I stared at him grabbing his arm. Our skin glowed from my powers drawing from him. He grunted in pain since I was siphoning from him harshly.

"I am not human." I told him calmly, yet sternly. I released his hand as he went to fall to the ground.

"Gotcha. Not human. Let's go." He mumbled, keeping his body parts to himself.

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