Chapter Fourteen

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It took a few hours to find the trail of body's Elijah was leaving behind. Damon was currently catching me up on what I had missed or forgotten.

"So NiKlaus, Rebekah and Freya left town? What about Kol?" I questioned him as we kept driving through the town. Dead bodies littered the streets. Damon wasn't kidding when he said that Elijah was on a killing spree.

"Kol I believe is with Elijah. He's a witch now.He feels as though he was at fault for you not returning. He had reassured Elijah so many times he wouldn't leave you and he did."

"I made him. Their mother was attached to me like some leech." This made Damon chuckle.

"Ironic. The Original Bitch acting like a Vampire." He joked. I rolled my eyes but let a laugh escape. It was a bit funny. "Anyway, Kol pledged to follow Elijah wherever he goes. It was his way of making sure Elijah didn't off himself." I nodded.

"That was a part of their plan. Esther wanted Elijah to feel so much sadness for his loss that he killed himself. I'm glad that Kol stood by him." I said softly. My heart racing as I saw something moving. "Stop the car." I demanded. Damon didn't even try to be gentle, slamming on the breaks.

"Sorry." He said as I gave him a look before getting out of the car.

There he was. Body's all around him, some decapitated, but most missing hearts. He wasn't just feeding to kill. He was just straight up aiming to kill. Someone stepped in front of me, blocking Elijah from my sights.

"Rory?" Kol whispered, before reaching out and hugging me tightly to his chest. "Thank god. I don't know how you got back, but thank whatever god that could be out there." He whispered. I hugged him back.

"Kol, what is happening? Damon told me that Elijah is killing? Why didn't you stop him?" I questioned, pulling away from him to see Elijah stop what he was doing, hearing someone speaking his name. My eyes met his instantly. "Elijah.." I whispered softly. It was like he was frozen in place. Confusion spreading over his face as sadness took over quickly after. If his humanity was off, I was apparently the switch to turn it back on with ease.

"You're dead." He whispered shaking his head in confusion. I took a step towards him, but Kol grabbed my arm.

"His humanity is off." He told me. I pulled my arm from him.

"He won't hurt me." I told him. My eyes going back to meet Elijah's. Walking over to him took too long as he vamp sped to stand in front of me. His suit was drenched in blood. His hair a mess. The only thing that was soft was his beautiful brown eyes staring at me. "Elijah.. what have you done?" I asked. He looked down at me, shame washing over his face.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered as he crashed into my chest, his arms wrapping around me tightly. My arms instantly wrap around him, breathing in his scent which was slightly tainted with the metallic smell of blood. His hands moved to hold my face, smearing blood over my skin as he moved my hair from my face, staring into my eyes. "Am I hallucinating?" He questioned. I smiled up at him, shaking my head.

"No. I'm here. I'm really here." I whispered to him as he leaned his head down to mine. His lips hovering over my own, the warmth of his breath warming me up quickly. His scent filling my nostrils as he brushed his lips to mine. "Elijah.." I whispered in a small whimper.

"Shh.. I'm savoring this moment." He whispered, tracing my bottom lip with a little bit of blood, making me smile more as I leaned up to meet his lips. Sparks flying between us, real sparks. My magic was creating sparks around us as Elijah moved his lips against mine, my hands moving up to tangle into his hair.

Someone cleared their throat behind us, pulling us apart. I looked over to see Damon and Kol. Kol had a smile as Damon smirked at us.

"We have a mess to clean up, otherwise someone might know someone not human was here." Damon winked at us. I rolled my eyes, looking back to Elijah. He held his hand out to me, nodding. I smiled, grabbing his hand as I siphoned from him slowly as to not hurt him.

"Purgare" I muttered and waved my free hand around. Slowly the bodies just evaporated into ash, blowing into the wind. Damon looked around shocked.

"Did I mention she's the original Siphon witch?" Kol muttered with a grin. Elijah and I laughed at Damon's shock.

"Must of forgot." Damon mumbled.

"Let's go home, Esklan." Elijah whispered, leaning down and nudging his nose near my neck before placing a soft kiss on my skin.

"Let's." I smiled at him.

True happiness brightening up both of our eyes. Finally reunited, after an eternity. Now to live an eternity together. Forever and Always.

The End.

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