Chapter Nine

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3rd POV-

Bonnie had Elijah place Aurora on the couch in the parlor, before they all left that room. The witch moved quickly to put up a barrier to restrain Aurora to that one room only.

"So how is this magic going to hold? She's a siphone. She can literally absorb the magic from the barrier." Klaus comments. Bonnie gives him a look.

"I'm using expression. She can't siphone that and the Ancestors can't control it." She explained. Elena snapped her gaze to her friend.

"I thought you stopped using that, Bonnie!" She exclaimed. Her worries were mainly on her friends over the others.

"I only use it if it's a last resort. This I would say is a necessary last resort. Wouldn't you say?" Elena sighed, but nodded in agreement. They both wanted to help Elijah the best they could. Bonnie wanted to mostly protect her friends. This woman was killing more than just supernatural beings. People who just were in the wrong place at the wrong time. "Did she say anything about what Esther did to her before you knocked her out?" Bonnie asked, making eye contact with Elijah. He was standing by the barrier, staring at Aurora's unconscious body that was draped on top of the couch.

"She kept saying something about voices." He stated, "They were telling her to kill me." He added. Damon snorted with a raised brow.

"So your long lost lover has gone crazy." He joked. Klaus and Elijah both glared at Damon who raised his hands in surrender and walked to the little bar in the corner, getting a drink.

"Do you think Esther put the ancestors in her head?" Elena asked. "Maybe hearing their demands of killing you for so long has made her bend to their will?" She offered. Elijah furrowed his brows in deep thought.

"You said she has the blood of one of the five though, right?" Klaus questioned, his eyes on Bonnie who nodded.

"But it didn't completely match up to Jeremys. Like there was a modified part to it." She explained.

"I'm not one of the Five." A voice spoke softly. Everyone's eyes snapped to the barrier to see Aurora standing there, her blue eyes analyzing each of them, lingering on Elena for longer before landing on Elijah.

"Then what are you?" Stefan questioned, keeping his distance just in case she breaks free of the expressed barrier. He didn't know her strength and would rather not find out the hard way.

"I'm a Hunter. Esther used a knife to anchor me to this life. She had me relive the same nightmares over and over, driving it into my brain that killing you was the only reason to live." She spoke while staring at Elijah, her head moving to the side as she did speak. "I dreamt of ripping your heart out, slicing your head off, disassembling your body. I had no control of my dreams for a thousand years. It felt like an eternity." She explained. Tears were threatening to break free from her eyes. Elijah stared at her in shock. He could feel how scared and sad she was.

"I'm so sorry, Aurora." He told her, standing as close as he could to the barrier without being close enough for her to grab. "I looked everywhere for you. I haven't stopped looking for all these years." He explained. Aurora shook her head at him.

"It's not on you. Your mother wanted us to stay apart no matter what. She got her wish." She took several steps away from him, glancing around as her eyes find a decorative sword on the wall. Gliding over to it she grabbed it. Examining the blade and trailing her fingers over it. She could feel everyones eyes on her. Trying to figure out what her plan was. "The only way I can make sure you live is if I don't." She told him. Elijah's eyes widened as he saw what she was about to do. Before he could even move, Klaus was behind her, grabbing the sword by the blade, slicing his hand somewhat.

"You will not be taking the easy route." He whispered to her gently. He met Elijah's eyes. "I can handle her, you find a way to save her." Elijah nodded, watching as Aurora turned around to fight Klaus before falling over from him injecting her with something again.

"So how do we take the voices out of her head? And the need to kill anyone and everyone?" Damon asked. Bonnie went over to her Grimmore, flipping through it quickly.

"Theres an extraction spell. I could get the voices out... but.." She trailed off, looking over to Elijah.

"You need the knife my mother used on her." He finished for her. She nodded.

"That may be the only way to remove the need to kill from her, or to be able to normalize her some. I'll continue to look for a way to help her. You find that knife." She told him. Elijah went to move when the door opened revealing Rebekah and Kol.

"Heard you might need some assistance, brother." Rebekah smiled at him. Elijah was her favorite brother, although she would never admit it out loud. She would do anything to help him. Kol on the other hand came by to help Bonnie. Since he came back from the dead as a witch, he's been one to meddle with all sorts of magic.

"I brought my own spell books." Kol smirked, holding up a small bag of books. Bonnie smiled at him and waved him over. Rebekah walked over to Elijah.

"Let's go, you can tell me what the plan is on the way." He nodded and followed her out of the boarding house.

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