Chapter Three

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"Well, isn't this a pleasure. Elena, Katherine. Both of you here together." Klaus narrowed his eyes as he glared at the two girls in front of him. Elijah came out from behind them, Damon and Stefan far behind them. "What is this? Conspiring against me, Brother?" He questioned. Elijah shook his head.

"I came here to make a deal with you, Klaus." Elena spoke up. Klaus's eyes snapped to her, a smile making its way to his face.

"Well then. Come on in then." He welcomed. They all flowed in and followed Klaus and Elijah to the Living room of the mansion. His siblings were out at the moment doing god knows what. "So what can I do for you?" Elena took a deep breath, her heartbeat was picking up the tiniest bit. Probably because Klaus was an intimidating creature.

"I want to offer my blood to you. Once a month. You have someone pick up the blood and disappear." Elena started. Klaus raised his eyebrow. His eyes showed he was interested.

"But at what cost?" He questioned, sitting down at his chair with a glass of whiskey.

"For Aurora Rose." That was all Klaus had to hear come from Elena for him to snap. He vamp sped to stand in front of her. Damon and Stefan both moved to stop Klaus, but Elijah stopped them.

"And why does she interest you?" He questioned. His eyes trailing over to his brother then back to Elena. Her heartbeat was picking up more. She was scared, any Vampire could tell. But her eyes were stern. She was standing tall.

"Elijah deserves his happiness. Just like anyone else does." She told Klaus. Elijah had a small smile grace his face at this. It warmed his dead heart to know that Elena was willing to stand up to his brother for his happiness. He wondered why she was coming off so brave and confidant today.

"Where's my happiness?" Klaus demanded. "Why should he get it? None of us can get it, but why should the Noble one get it? He's not as deserving as your little human brain thinks." Klaus snapped.

"You get your army. Isn't that what you want?" Elena asked. Klaus let out a dry laugh.

"That's what it always comes down to, doesn't it? The army. Of course." Klaus growled. "I'll tell you what. I'll give Elijah the location of Aurora Rose. But I am not leaving town. I believe that is your plan, isn't it?" Klaus demanded. Elena flinched slightly, giving it away. He smirked, reaching into his jacket and tossing a key to Elijah. "She's downstairs, brother. I was going to tell you tonight. But this just makes it so much better." He moved his eyes back to Elena. "We're not leaving, and I do not need permission to take your blood. But to be nice, yes. I'll agree to that monthly transaction." Elena swallowed hard and nodded. Elijah stared at the key in his hands. Shocked. Klaus turned to him and gave him a look of concern. "Go on brother. It's time."

Elijah sped out of the room and to the door that led to the basement. He never even thought of this door. It wasn't even locked. The key must go to what's holding her. Moving down the stairs slowly, hesitantly. Elijah was nervous. He was going to see the woman he fell for all over again. A thousand years had gone by and here he was.

He walked around a corner and saw her. There she was. A glass container holding her peacefully. She looked so calm. But he knew better than that. His dreadful mother had cursed her with nightmares. Of what, he wasn't sure. But he was there to save her now. Pushing the key into the glass key hole he turned it, lifting the lid to be able to see her better.

Her black hair was short and looked like someone took care of it for her. He wondered if Klaus had a soft spot for his brothers love. He gazed at her, admiring her pale complexion. He couldn't wait to see her eyes. They were the bluest blue he had ever seen and he has dreamt of the day he would see them again. Brushing a piece of hair out of her face he leaned down, flashes of their life together flashing by his eyes as his lips brush up against her chapped ones. This was it. Her warm breath mixed with his as she snapped her eyes open. Bright blue eyes staring up at him. But the happiness was gone as soon as it was there. With a snap. Everything went dark. And she was gone.

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