Chapter Four

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Aurora's POV-

The warmth of his lips on mine brought me from my sleep. Memories coming with the wakening.

My eyes met brown ones. Warm and charming as we both smiled at each other from a distance. He was with his siblings, sword fighting. Having fun. I licked my lips to stop them from drying as I stared at him. We were snapped from our daze from our siblings.

"Aurora! Are you there?" I snapped my gaze to meet my sister's gaze. I saw her look back to see who had stolen my attention from her. "Is that Elijah? You can't be serious. Gawking at a man while you are betrothed. How amusing." She grinned at me. I rolled my eyes at her.

"I'm only betrothed because father wants me gone to pay his debts. I could just-" I paused for dramatic effect. "Disappear." I wiggled my eyebrows at her which made he giggle.

"I think that would give him a heart attack." She laughed. I rolled my eyes at her. Like he would actually care if his oldest just disappeared. Aurora knew he didn't like her. He had her with his mistress when he thought his wife couldn't have kids. But then his wife had her little sister.

"I doubt he's care, Tatia." I told her. She sighed sadly.

"Father does care, Rory." She assured as she glanced back at the boys play fighting. I looked back as well. Catching a smile from the boy, Elijah. His charming eyes warming something within me. Like a fire. I yearned for more.

I reached up and grabbed Elijah's head, a snap echoing as I broke his neck.

"Hello." I looked up from hanging clothes on a line to dry. Elijah was standing there, smiling at me. "I'm Elijah. I couldn't help but to notice you have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen." I felt the blush rushing to my cheeks as I giggled.

"Is this your way of flirting, Elijah? Do you always flirt with random girls?" I questioned him. He smiled. "My name is Aurora Rose." I introduced. He grabbed my hand, pressing a kiss to my knuckles gently.

"Aurora Rose. Your name just makes you so much more beautiful." He flirted. I smiled at him.

"Oh does it?"

"Oh yes. Dawn is the most beautiful time of day. And the Rose is the most sought after flower. What does that make you?" He questioned as he stepped closer to me. I held my ground as he brought his fingers to my chin, making me look up to meet his gaze. "A true Beauty." He answered his own question.

After siphoning a bit from Elijah, I teleported out of there quickly.

I watched from the forest line where I saw Elijah with Tatia. Flirting. Making love eyes at each other. My heart was broken. My own sister.

"You will never be with my son. You are nothing but an abomination to this world." I turned my head slightly to the side to see Elijah's mother, Esther, speaking to me. I narrowed my eyes at her.

"You did this. He won't stay away from me. Besides-" I paused as NiKlaus ran over to join the two. "Tatia is in love with NiKlaus." I finished. I turned my body to face Esther as I smirked at her. "You wouldn't want a fake love to tear your family apart. Would you?" I questioned and walked away. Leaving Esther to brood over her thoughts.

I appeared in the woods a few miles away from the mansion I was kept in, I could hear the shouting. The questioning of what happened.

"Aurora!" I turned to see Elijah standing behind me. He had some blood dripping down his chin. I approached him quickly, holding my dress up to not trip.

"Elijah. Oh no, what did your mother do to you..?" I questioned. I could feel the supernatural power bouncing off of him. His eyes held fear. Fear of me turning away from him. I placed my hand on his cheek, he leaned into my touch instantly.

"I'm so sorry. I had no idea-"

"What happened, Elijah?"

"Tatia is dead." My heart broke. My sister was gone. My eyes glowed from siphoning from Elijah. "Au-aurora!" He stuttered as he grunted from the pain. I pulled my hand away from him instantly at seeing him in pain.

"I-I- I'm so sorry. How did this happen?" I questioned. Elijah sighed sadly and grabbed my hand confidently.

"Mother. She placed a curse on my siblings. Henrick was murdered and with what was happening between Nik and I, she used Tatia to turn us into creatures of the night. I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I had no control-" I stopped him by pressing my lips to his cold ones. He leaned into it more as I moved my lips against his, but he pulled back when a tear met between our lips. Tears were falling from my eyes. "I'm so sorry, Aurora." He spoke so softly. I knew he was. He never lied to me.

I'm so sorry, Elijah.

"Elijah will come for me." I spoke as I faced away from Esther. She had me cornered. I had no where to go and I had no power.

"I'm sure he will. But there's a twist." I turned to face her. She had a sad look to her eyes. She was sad, why? "When he wakes you up, if he does, you will become the one thing that can kill him. You will kill Elijah and his siblings. I made a grave mistake creating them. And you will be my back up plan if Mikael fails." She spoke softly. She held a dagger as she reached out and grabbed me, slicing my hand open with the silver dagger. I hissed as I pulled away. But she had what she needed. My blood.

"You Witch." I seethed, as the world around me started to fade out.

"Sleep well, Aurora Rose." She whispered as I fell to the ground. Nightmares filling my mind of killing Elijah, nonstop.

I won't endanger you. With that, I ran.

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