Chapter Eight

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3rd POV-

Klaus and Elijah were separated, searching everywhere they could think to find Aurora. Elijah was searching the woods, speeding through the forest in search for the woman he loved. His thoughts flooding with worry of what was really going on with her.

Back at the Salvatore house, Bonnie was working on the vial of blood that Klaus had given them. Accessing the ancestors was proving to be near impossible.

"What's taking so long?" Damon whined causing Bonnie to sigh.

"If you quit asking that, maybe I'd be done already." She responded before the said vampire sped over to her. She narrowed her eyes at him. "I'm trying my best. It's like they are fighting me on this." She told him as she opened her grimmore to look for another spell to try.

"Well, we know they might be behind this. If the original bitch has anything to do with this, then it must be to rid the world of vampires right?" Damon explained, pacing around, his eyes widening with each word. He turned quickly to face Bonnie. "Could she be one of the five?" He asked. Bonnie snapped her gaze up to him, blinking as she processed this information.

"Get Jeremy." She told him. Damon nodded before running out quickly. Bonnie picked up her phone and dialed Elijah quickly. She had to warn him of the possibility.

"Did you find something out?" Elijah's voice rang through.

"I think- Well Maybe." Bonnie replied, she could hear the wind on the other end. "We think she might one of the Five."

"Think?" Elijah questioned. "We can't go off of a mere thought process, Bonnie." He told her sternly. He didn't want to believe that his lover was put here to get rid of him. He couldn't believe that.

"Damon went to get Jeremy. I'm going to test his blood with hers to see if they are connected at all. But I wanted to warn you, just in case. If you get too close and she is one of the five-"

"She will try to kill me. I realized that when she killed Katerina so effortlessly. But if I don't find her, she could kill others. She's killed a human. The five aren't supposed to kill humans." Elijah explained, pausing his run as he was listening for Aurora, smelling the air.

"So you think she might be worse than the Five?" Bonnie asked.

"I think my mother loves to make our lives a living hell." He replied. A sound pulling his attention from the phone call. "I've got to go. I think I hear her." He explained before hanging up without a word from Bonnie. Elijah moved quickly, following the sound of a quickening heartbeat. A cry out made him go faster.

When he reached a clearing he stopped. Frozen in place. Body's littered all around the place, most grey and veiny to show that they were vampires. Some had holes in their chests, others were missing their heads. Elijah's breath caught in his throat when he saw Aurora kneeling in the middle of the opening, her head in her hands, pulling at her hair as sobs racked through her body.

"Aurora..." Elijah spoke softly, trying to not alarm the girl. The last thing he wants is to scare her to attack him. Aurora's head snapped up to look at him. His hands were raised showing he meant no harm to her. "Aurora.. love..." He took a step towards her, the need to comfort her was strong, but he could also feel the danger of getting closer.

"Elijah.." Aurora spoke softly, standing up slowly. Her body was covered in blood. It didn't seem like it was hers though which made him feel a bit better. "Elijah... I can't stop. They won't stop." Her voice came out shaky and a bit raspy. "Please.. Make them stop.." Elijah took more steps towards her.

"Who are they? Tell me what is wrong." He said calmly. He was trying to keep calm so she does as well, but he could hear her heartbeat quickening. Her hands went back to her head.

"The voices.." She winced as if something was hurting her.

"What are they saying?" He questioned, although he could figure it out himself. She looked up at him slowly, dropping her hands from her hair as her eyes met his, her blue eyes looked almost like they were on fire.

"Kill you." She answered without thought. Aurora moved forward towards him before falling to the ground. Klaus stood behind her with a needle.

"Thought you could use some help." He said with a sly smirk. "Our little witch just told me what your forbidden lover is." He said as he looked down at Aurora. Elijah walked over to him, kneeling down to scoop Aurora up.

"And what did she say?" He asked as he stood up with her, her head lolling to his chest comfortably.

"She's similar to one of the five. But there was something different about it." Klaus started. "I believe she is being controlled by the witches to kill us, well, you." Elijah let out a breath. "Let's get her back to the boarding house. The Bennett witch said she can contain her to one room like how she did to me all those years ago."  Elijah nodded, before they both sped off.

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