Delivery pt2

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Goolen POV
We arrived at the hospital and I called my grandma and V'Andre so they could be here . my pops is Mel's doctor so he'll be here anyway . Mel and I walk up to the front desk . The lady at the front desk is on the phone and is smackin on her gum like she a damn goat.

"Excuse ma'am" mel said politely but I could tell she was getting angry . the lady held up one finger and continued talking on the phone . mel did have an emergency like hello? She about to have my kids.. I seen water run down her legs and her water just broke now .
The lady looked like she caught an attitude and was about to say something until I jacked her up and whispered .
"I don't think you want to be reported missing , get my wife a doctor."
She looked petrified it didn't faze me I just wanted mel to get a room.
About 5 to 7 mins of waiting a wheel chair came and we Mel was wheeled up to her room as I followed. we got in there and I put Mel's things down as they hooked her up to some machines. Then in comes my grandma Gretch and V .
"Hey baby " my grandma said .
"Hey daddwy what it be like homes?" Gretch said dapping me .where does she get this stuff from ??
"V stop teaching my kid stuff like that man she's a female " he laughed and said
"Hello to you too then he walked over to Mel and held her hand because the contractions were coming on heavy .
"Its gone be okay sis " he assured her .

"Mmmuugh.. I'm gonna kill you Goolen Jose Betamy " Mel groaned in pain
Everyone laughed . and my grandma took Gretch out the room because she's to young to be in here.
|16 hrs later |
My dad walked in the room
And said .
"Ready Ms.Brown?" Melanie didn't answer she just nodded her head . and my dad continued talkin
"Okay so when I count to three your gonna push 1....2....3"Melanie was pushing hard and I held her hand that V'Andre didn't have
"Cmon baby you can do it "
I assured her.
"And another . 1......2......3"
I heard pops saying.
Then 2minutes later the first head popped out .
"Congrats it's a boy" I smiled and shed a tear. I wasn't able to be there for Gretch birth so it's my first time .
" one....two .... three push" Mel pushed as another baby boy came out and my heart filled with joy . they cleaned the boys up and was doing something with them as my dad got back to Mel's area and said
"Give me just a couple more and you be done " a couple more?!? Ohh lawd .
"1....2...3" Mel pushed two times and just like that the baby was out . the baby cried and the nurse said "congratulations on your three boys " I thanked her and kissed Mel .
Mel got the after birth done and got sown up.
Then the nurse came in .
"Have you thought of some names yet? " Mel shook her head yes and said the first one would be Garren MacArthur Betamy , the second is Mason Joshua Betamy ,and the third would be Goolen Jose Betamy jr. I smiled because I have a jr . but the nurse shook her head as she wrote it down and we got the birth certificates signed and everything . I told Mel I was going home to get some over night clothes when I got back to The house I seen two people standing at my door ??? I wonder they are I walk up to them and. asked "may help you two?" The man was taller than me about Dre's height . the lady was short like Mel but a lil shorter .
"Hi we're looking for Melanie Brown ." the woman said .
"Who's asking?"
"We're her parents "
"V'Andre too?"
They shook their heads yes and I told them they could follow me to the hospital after I got my clothes .

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