Chapter 1

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I sat in the waiting room to the principal's office. I had gotten in trouble, AGAIN. It was all thanks to Britta, the most popular girl in school. "She's such a brat, she deserves to die" I whispered.


I had just closed my locker, getting my books for the next period, till I saw three shadows. I took a deep breath and turned around to find Britta and her gang a few centimeters from my face.

"Well well, look who we have here" she said, with a menacing smile across her face as if she was plotting something.

"What is it now, Britta? Haven't you had enough? You've been taunting me all day..." I said, with a calm tone, hoping that if I didn't seem bothered by them they'd finally leave me alone.

I saw her face turn dark as she growled "move" I did as I was told. 'Crap I forgot our lockers are next to each other'. She did the combination to her locker got her books and slammed it closed. She clicked her fingers and her two friends were both at her sides. Just before she turned the corner she said: "oh, I forgot to say your sister says hi"

I widen my eyes in fear "what did you do to her?!" I shouted. A smirk crept upon her face "Let's just say she's having fun playing doctors" I gasped and bolted across the hallways towards the nurses office and without even knocking I burst in to find my little sister in the nurses arms covered in bruises and scratches and crying.

"Grace! What happened?!" I exclaimed. "I- I was riding my bike in the playground a-and a girl from your grade came and said that my bike could go faster if I let her fix it. Later the bike was going faster, but then the front wheel came off and I fell down the slope and into some bushes" Grace said and continued to cry in the nurse's shirt.

"That little-" I stormed off to find Britta. I didn't really care if she continuously hurt me, but now that she also got to Grace... Britta will be lucky if she ever gets out of this alive.
By that time there was lunch break so all the students were scattered across the hallways. I pushed through the crowd until I saw her. I felt anger boil up, matched towards her and before she even realized I was even there, I punched her, right on the nose.

Everybody gasped and started whispering. Britta was on the ground bleeding and crying. "Don't ever mess with my family again"

[End of flashback]

'I can't believe I actually did this... Well she deserved it after all' I thought. I teared up, "I just can't take it anymore" I shouted, I picked up my school bag and ran out of the waiting room and out of the school.
I don't know for how long I ran, I was in a forest. "Crap I'm lost" I said.

I started walking, hoping to find a way out. After what seemed like hours I gave up. I started down on a rock and started crying. It was starting to be late, so it became harder and harder to see.

After my crying session, I noticed something glimmering on the ground. It was a ring. It was made out of silver and had a pattern on it, nothing really special. I wore it and it fit perfectly. "Why does everything have to go the wrong way for me... I wish... I WISH I WAS NEVER EVEN IN THIS STUPID WORLD! "
I looked down, and noticed the ring was glowing intensely.

Then there was a flash of light.


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