chapter 1 // waking up

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It's dark outside. I rolled over to see if it was the middle of the night or early morning.


If I go back to sleep now I won't be able to wake myself up again and I don't want to be late for my first day of school. Especially when it's a new school in a new town.

I forced myself to sit up and rub the tiredness out of my eyes. I looked around my room, which was empty except for the boxes I still had to unpack and the single mattress I was seated on. The only light that was allowing me to see was the dimly lit street lights.

After a few minutes of staring at my wall I decided to get up. I was starting to feel hungry anyways. I walked into the kitchen quietly because I didn't want to wake my dad up yet. We barely had any food bought yet so I chose to stick with regular weetabix. Hopefully it'll give me some energy for today.

I realised I wasn't as hungry as I thought I was, so I just threw what I didn't eat out. I passed time by watching whatever was on the tv when I turned it on. Shit. I forgot to choose what to wear today. Guess I'll have to improvise.

I ended up choosing my favourite dark blue flared jeans, that I paired with a regular white shirt. I wore one of the flannels I stole from my dad over it.

I put my school books in my lousy school bag that I've had since I was 12. I never really cared about how expensive things were, if it does what it's supposed to that's good enough for me.

I could hear my dads alarm going off followed by his sleepy footsteps a few minutes after. I peeked out my door to see him making toast. "Morning sleepyhead" he said groggily.
"I've been up for an hour, I think you're the sleepyhead here" I replied.

I'm close with my dad, he's always been my best friend. He promised me we would move away from my terrible mom (who I wouldn't even consider my mom) when he gathered up enough money. After 4 years of torture he had finally worked hard enough for us to get to where we are right now.

I sat down on the cheap couch beside him while he finished off his toast. I looked at the clock and realised we should probably leave soon. I took one last look at myself in the bathroom mirror and thought maybe I could've made more of an effort with my outfit.

I mean it's not like school is some fashion show.

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