chapter 5 // wet dream

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"I dream of you, almost every night. Hopefully I won't wake up this time."


We walked to school in peace after the incident. By the time we got there my shirt was dry but I forgot to give Ponyboy his jacket back. I didn't see either of the boys for most of the day until english class. I was a bit late for class and when I got there, there was a girl already sitting in my seat.

She had wavy blonde hair with pink dye at the tips that matched her lipstick. I didn't want to cause chaos so I just sat beside Ponyboy instead of behind him.

Our teacher was out sick so we had a different boring, old teacher supervising us. He didn't really say much and just told us to do what we wanted. Half the class were studying and half the class were gossiping.
"This class is pretty boring ain't it" I turned to Ponyboy. He was asleep. I guess he didn't get much sleep last night.

I decided to just leave him asleep and draw random shit in my copy. I heard Pony make a noise so I looked over to see if he was waking up, but he wasn't so I just went back to drawing. A few seconds later he made another noise almost like a moan. Was he having a nightmare? I looked down. No he wasn't. Definitely not a nightmare. Actually kinda the opposite.

"This boy isn't actually having a wet dream in the middle of class" I said under my breath. Do I wake him? No it's kinda funny. He continued lightly moaning but I was the only one you could actually hear it because everyone was speaking loud. Then out of fucking nowhere I heard my name from Ponyboy's mouth. Was I in his fucking wet dream?

Okay I should wake him up before he comes in his pants or something. "Pony, wake up" I shook him. He woke up rubbing his eyes and gave me an odd look.
"I fell asleep?"
"Mhm. It seemed like a good sleep too." I giggled.
"I think you were in my dream." He said, still confused.
"Oh? What was it about?"
His cheeks went scarlet and he acted as if he couldn't remember.

On our way home it was just me and Pony. Johnny left half way through the day so he was already home. We were both dying for a cancer stick so we stopped at the gas station again.

We were the only two people in the shop. We just got one pack to share and I decided last minute to get a Pepsi. 'Be My Baby' by The Ronettes came on and when I turned around I saw Ponyboy singing along. When he noticed that I was laughing at him, he just sang louder.

"I'LL MAKE YOU SO PROUD OF ME" He sang back.

Then the guy at the till told us to get out of the shop. We were both holding in our laugh and couldn't hold it in any longer while running out the rusty old door.
"He was so mad that he forgot we didn't even pay" We both laughed the whole way back to Ponyboy's house.

"What has you two so giddy?" Soda asked teasingly. So we explained everything that had happened . Two-bit found it the most funny. The one thing Dally found funny about it was that we basically "stole".
"So how was school?" Darry asked.
"It was boring" Ponyboy replied.
"Well your dream didn't seem too boring.." I sneered.
"You was sleeping in school Pony?" Darry said. He seemed kinda annoyed and I wished I had just kept my mouth shut.
"Anyways what was you dreamin' about?" Johnny asked, he seemed interested. Ponyboy's cheeks were starting to go red and he looked at me in a funny way. I couldn't tell whether he wanted to kill me or kiss me.

They all looked at me expecting an answer.
"He told me he doesn't remember so I don't know"
"I don't, I swear."
"Then why are you blushing?" Soda asked.
"It's just hot in here that's all." He exclaimed nervously. "I think it's just you Pony", teased Steve. I obviously have an idea of what his dream was, and it was sorta funny at the start but now I felt bad and just wanted everyone to stop asking questions.
Everyone was talking too loud questioning Ponyboy. I stood up on the glass coffee table and slammed my foot down on it. I forgot I had boots on, but luckily it didn't break, it just made a loud enough noise for everyone to go silent.
"Everyone shut up. It's just a dream. It's sad that you're so damn interested in a 15 year olds dream. He doesn't remember so why are you still asking as if he's gonna magically remember." I was mostly angry because they were being so loud and I was getting tired. Johnny seemed the most scared, Soda looked guilty, Dally looked impressed and Ponyboy looked...proud?

It was so silent I could die. I hopped down off the table and walked over to Ponyboy (who was hiding a smile). Our faces were like 3 inches away from eachother. I slowly reached my hand into his pocket to get the pack of cigarettes. I kept eye contact with him until I got a cigarette. "I'll be on the porch if ya need me" I said walking out the door.

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