chapter 2 // first day

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So I may have been wrong about school not being a fashion show. All of the girls were wearing expenses cardigans and plaid skirts with frilly socks and Mary Jane shoes. I felt like my clothes were dirty in comparison to theirs. "Great start to the day" I whispered under my breath.

The bell rang and I checked what room first period was in. English. Room 32. I like english it's an easy class. Reading is one of my favorite things to do. When I got there the  teacher told me to wait outside the door.


I sat at the same desk as I did last year with my head down. The class was loud and chatty until the teacher came in. Ms Charles was a good teacher. I've had her for english the past three years and she's always treated everyone the same whether you're a greaser like me or a soc.

"We have a new student this year" she  announced. I could hear the whispers making there way around the class room. "Their name is Sam and I want everyone to be extremely welcoming"

I was starting to wonder if this Sam guy was just gonna be another soc to worry about. I hoped not. We've got enough of them to worry about already.

Ms Charles waved at Sam to come in and that's when I realized that Sam is a girl. I'm pretty sure nearly everyone in the class thought she was going to be a boy.

Her clothes weren't typical soc clothes but she didn't look messy enough to be a greaser either. She wasn't wearing any makeup but she didn't need to. Her brown fluffy hair wasn't styled but it looked fine the way it was.

"Hi I'm Sam Jones" she said softly but not in a shy way. You could tell she just wanted to sit down like everyone else and start learning. "Sam, you can go sit behind Ponyboy"

I felt embarrassed hearing my name out loud. I started to prepare myself for the "Is that your real name?" but when she sat down, she leaned forward and whispered
"Ponyboy's a cool name by the way."
But this time her voice was low and croaky, nothing like the way it sounded when she was standing in front of the class.
"Uh thanks, Sam's nice aswell" I replied. She just smiled at me.
The bell rang and everyone scattered out of the class rushing to their next class.


Finally it was lunch. I was really hungry and regretted not finishing my weetabix earlier. I ordered the same food I used to order at my old school. I didn't know where to sit so I settled on just sitting at a table by myself. I could tell people walking by were staring at me but I didn't mind too much.

I noticed Ponyboy sitting at a table with two other guys. They all had the same greaser back hair style, and that seemed to be the only thing about their appearance that they put effort into. Shit. I didn't realize I was staring at them until I saw Ponyboy waving in my direction. I waved back and smiled in hope he didn't notice me gawking at them. He wavered me over to join them so I got up and did.

I seated myself down across from all three of the boys and Ponyboy introduced me to them. Johnny was the tan boy, he had dark brown eyes and dark slicked back hair. He was kind to me straight away, which I was grateful for. The other guys name is Two-bit and he laughed at the fact my name is a "boy name". We only got to talk for a couple of minutes before the bell rang and everyone started getting up to go to their next class.

Me and Ponyboy realized we had two other classes together which was good because I'll have someone to talk to. I nearly fell asleep in last period before school ended. It being history made it so much harder to keep my eyes open but I got through it nonetheless.

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